


碳酸盐岩U-Pb定年测试系统设备国际招标公告(*) 发布时间:****-**-** 【购买标书】 *************受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于****-**-**在中国国际招标网公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 *、招标条件 项目概况:随着海上勘探逐步向深层、超深层推进,古近系深层和**岩石类型复**样,储层类型多、成岩类型多样。对储层成因机理、矿物形成时间等方面的实验需求十分迫切。通过建设矿物原位分析实验手段,形成应用于储层定时、定因的原位实验技术体系,有效支撑公司自主创新能力和核心竞争能力建设。 资金到位或资金来源落实情况:已落实 项目已具备招标条件的说明:已具备 *、招标内容 招标项目编号:****-****JDCP**** 招标项目名称:碳酸盐岩U-Pb定年测试系统设备 项目实施地点:中国*** 招标产品列表(主要设备): 序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格备注* 碳酸盐岩U-Pb定年测试系统 * 套 主要技术规格:详细规格见完整版技术要求 ★(*)U-Pb测试等离子体质谱仪 ★(*)元素预扫描等离子体质谱仪 ★(*)激光剥蚀系统 *、投标人资格要求 投标人应具备的资格或业绩:★(*)资格要求 Requirements for Qualification of Bidder A.如果投标人为境内注册公司,投标人需提供合法有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证或证照合一的营业执照;如果投标人为境外注册公司,需提供有效的公司登记注册证明。 窗体顶端 窗体底端 A. The bidder within the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combined certificate and business license;The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate. B. 投标人所投产品制造商应通过ISO****(或GB/T*****)质量体系认证或CE认证。国内认证机构签发的证书应可在中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会网站(http://www.cnca.gov.cn/)核实。如果有国家相关部门发布的最新体系标准,以最新体系标准为准。投标时需提供原件扫描件(原件备查)。若认证机构为国外的,应在投标时提供有效期内的GB/T*****(ISO****)质量管理体系认证或CE认证证书(扫描件)。 B. The manufacturer of the products submitted by the bidder shall pass ISO****(or GB/T*****)quality system certification or CE certification. The quality management system certification certificate issued by domestic certification bodies should be available on the website of the China National Certification and Accreditation Administration( http://www.cnca.gov.cn )Can be queried. If there are the latest system standards released by relevant national departments, the latest system standards shall prevail. Scanned copies of original documents must be provided during bidding (original documents for future reference).If the certification body is foreign, a valid GB/T***** (ISO****) Quality Management System Certification or CE Certification Certificate (scanned copy) should be provided during the bidding process. C. 国内产品不接受代理商投标。 C. Domestic products do not accept bidding from agents. D. 是否接受联合体投标:否 D. Joint Venture: Not Accepted E. 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 E. Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available F. 其它 G. others: (*)★业绩要求Requirement for Bidder's reference: (*)****年*月*日至投标截止日(以合同签署时间为准),投标人所投U-Pb测试等离子体质谱仪产品的制造商应具有至少*个合同的该类质谱仪主机的供货业绩;投标人所投元素预扫描等离子质谱仪产品的制造商应具有至少*个合同的该类质谱仪主机的供货业绩;投标人所投激光剥蚀系统产品的制造商应具有至少*个合同的该类激光剥蚀系统装置的供货业绩。投标业绩产品品牌和型号应与本次投标产品品牌和型号一致。 (*) From January *, **** to the deadline for bidding (subject to the signing time of the contract), the manufacturer of the U-Pb test plasma mass spectrometer products invested by the bidder shall have the supply performance of this kind of mass spectrometer mainframe with at least * contracts; The manufacturer of the element pre-scanning plasma mass spectrometer products submitted by the bidder shall have the supply performance of this kind of mass spectrometer mainframe with at least * contracts; The manufacturer of the laser ablation system products submitted by the bidder shall have at least four contracts for the supply performance of such laser ablation system devices. The brand and model of the bidding performance product should be consistent with the brand and model of the bidding product. (*)投标人须按规定格式提交业绩表,并提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件至少包括:*)销售合同复印件(内容至少包括:合同首页、合同签署页(应有双方盖章)、合同签署时间、制造商名称、货物名称、业绩产品品牌及型号);*)用户签字或盖章的到货验收材料复印件(到货验收单或调试验收报告或使用方出具的有效证明文件)。合同和到货验收材料原件备查。 (*) Bidders are required to submit performance forms in the prescribed format and relevant performance certification documents. The performance certification documents shall at least include: *) a copy of the sales contract (including at least the contract front page, signature and seal page, signing time, manufacturer's name, goods name,product brand and model), and *) copies of signed or stamped arrival acceptance materials (arrival acceptance form or commissioning acceptance report or valid certification document issued by the user, settle the invoice and provide ) The originals of the contract and arrival acceptance materials are for reference. (*)未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法满足上述要求的,均视为无效业绩。 (*) Failure to submit performance proof documents, or failure to meet the above requirements with the provided performance proof documents, shall be deemed as invalid performance. 是否接受联合体投标:不接受 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 *、招标文件的获取 招标文件领购开始时间:****-**-** 招标文件领购结束时间:****-**-** 是否在线售卖标书:否 获取招标文件方式:现场领购 招标文件领购地点:有兴趣的投标人可通过以下方式获取招标文件:从****年 *月** 日开始至****年** 月**日止,请登录中国海油数字化供应链平台(https://bid.cnooc.com.cn/)的招标公告页面进行购买。首次登录必须先进行注册(免费),注册成功后,方可购买招标文件。投标人须在线填写购买招标文件登记表,并在线支付标书款,支付成功后,投标人可自行下载招标文件。 招标文件售价:¥***/$** 其他说明:招标文件每套售价为***元人民币或**美元,售后不退。对于使用美元购买招标文件的投标人,需电汇至以下账号:收款人:*************,收款行名称:INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA,Beijing National Cultural and Financial Cooperation Demonstration Zone Jinjie Sub-branch,收款人账号:*******************,SWIFT CODE: ICBKCNBJBJM,收款行地址:No. *** Wang fu jing Street, Dong cheng District, Beijing, China PR: ******。 *、投标文件的递交 投标截止时间(开标时间):****-**-** **:** 投标文件送达地点:******东三环北路甲*号京信大厦**层;收件人:杨超伟 ;联系方式:***-********;如选择邮寄方式投标,请将快递单号发送至***********以及*********** 开标地点:******东三环北路甲*号京信大厦**层 *、联系方式 招标人:中海石油(中国)有限公司 地址:*****新区海川路****号渤海石油管理局大厦A座 联系人:张丽霞 联系方式:+**-***-******** 招标代理机构:************* 地址:******东直门外小街*号海油大厦*层 联系人:敖凤鸣 联系方式:**-**-******** *、汇款方式: 招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 招标代理机构开户银行(美元): 账号(人民币): 账号(美元):


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