


关于《**(苏溪)国际枢纽港规划与重点地段城*设计国际方案征集公告》有关内容修订的公告 由**自由贸易发展区管理委员会、***自然**和规划局联合主办的《**(苏溪)国际枢纽港规划与重点地段城*设计》国际方案征集活动,于****年*月**日发布正式公告。现对征集公告进行修订如下: 原文: 三、 征集范围 I. Scope of Work 本次方案征集范围包括*个层次,分别为规划研究范围、重点地段城*设计范围。(详见附图) The scope of this proposal solicitation encompasses two spatial level: the planning research scope and the urban design scope in key areas. (Refer to the attached diagram for details) (*)规划研究范围:面积约**.*平方公里,主要目标是衔接国土空间总体规划,明确国际枢纽港核心功能和规模,完善陆港集疏运交通体系,优化总体布局。 Planning research scope: Approximately **.* square kilometers in area, the main objective is to align with the comprehensive territorial spatial planning, define the core functions and scale of the international hub port, improve the land-port integrated transportation system, and optimize the overall spatial distribution. (*)重点地段城*设计范围:在划定的设计范围内选择约*—*平方公里进行重点城*设计。主要目标是进一步完善布局、功能、强度、形态等,系统塑造枢纽港特色景观风貌,提出各类公共空间和地块系统的建设管控和引导要求。 Key area urban design scope: Within the delineated design area, approximately *-* square kilometers will be selected for focused urban design. The main objective is to further refine the layout, functions, intensity, and forms, while systematically shaping the distinctive landscape and aesthetic characters of the hub port. Moreover, it involves proposing construction, control, and guidance requirements for various types of public spaces and land parcels. 方案征集范围 Scopes of the Proposal Solicitation 修改为:. 三、 征集范围 II. Scope of Work 本次方案征集范围包括*个层次,分别为规划研究范围、重点地段城*设计范围。(详见附图) The scope of this proposal solicitation encompasses two spatial level: the planning research scope and the urban design scope in key areas. (Refer to the attached diagram for details) (*)规划研究范围:面积约**.*平方公里,主要目标是衔接国土空间总体规划,明确国际枢纽港核心功能和规模,完善陆港集疏运交通体系,优化总体布局。 Planning research scope: Approximately **.* square kilometers in area, the main objective is to align with the comprehensive territorial spatial planning, define the core functions and scale of the international hub port, improve the land-port integrated transportation system, and optimize the overall spatial distribution. (*)重点地段城*设计范围:在划定的设计范围内选择约*—*平方公里进行重点城*设计。主要目标是进一步完善布局、功能、强度、形态等,系统塑造枢纽港特色景观风貌,提出各类公共空间和地块系统的建设管控和引导要求。 Key area urban design scope: Within the delineated design area, approximately *-* square kilometers will be selected for focused urban design. The main objective is to further refine the layout, functions, intensity, and forms, while systematically shaping the distinctive landscape and aesthetic characters of the hub port. Moreover, it involves proposing construction, control, and guidance requirements for various types of public spaces and land parcels. 方案征集范围 Scopes of the Proposal Solicitation 特此说明。 ****年*月**日 **自由贸易发展区管理委员会 ***自然**和规划局


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