


项目名称: 伊拉克纳西里耶储油库项目消防喷淋用管件公开询比项目 项目概况: 一、采购条件Purchasing Conditions 伊拉克纳西里耶储油库项目消防喷淋用管件采购人为伊拉克纳西里耶储油库项目部,项目资金来源已落实。本采购项目已按要求履行了相关报批及备案等手续,具备采购条件,现进行公开询比。 二、项目概况与采购范围 Project Overview and Purchasing Scope *.*项目概况:伊拉克国家石油公司(State Company for Oil Project)计划在纳西里耶投资**一个***万桶原油的罐区,用于接收Ahdeb、Badra、Gharaf、Nassiriya和Abu Amood油田的原油,项目一期计划建设***万桶库容量(*个*****m&sup*;浮顶储罐),项目二期计划建设***万桶库容量(*个*****m&sup*;浮顶储罐)。CPP作为该项目一期阶段的EPC总承包商,负责*个*****m&sup*;原油储罐、*个***** m&sup*;的原油泄压储罐,*个***** m&sup*;水储罐建设,以及储罐区配套的泵站、计量、取水、发电、通信、工艺管线、消防等系统设计、采办、施工、试运工作。 *.* 供货范围:本次采购物资详见 询比文件: *.* 交货地点 Delivery place: 招标人指定交货地点:*****工业园区金兰路***号。 交货期:投标人提供最短交货期,但不得超过**日历日(废标项)。 " 项目单位: 物装公司 项目类别: 物资类 项目分类: 三类 供应商资格要求: *.* 本次采购 不接受 联合体。 Suppliers from joint venture are not accepted. *.*供应商要求具有独立法人资格,为此采购项目专业生产的制造商或者贸易商或者代理商,对其提供的货物和服务负全部责任; 非制造商投标,必须提供制造商授权(唯一)。 制造商名单:制造商需满足中石油入网且状态正常(废标项)。 The supplier should be the manufacturer or trader or agent of this bidding project, who possesses independent legal personality and shall take full responsibility to the goods and service. If the bidder is not a manufacturer, manufacturer authorization (unique) must be provided. Manufacturer and Country of Origin :The offered manufacturer/brand shall be within CNPC’s supplier base and in normal condition. *.* 本次采购项目要求供应商须提供供应商和制造商的ISO相关体系认证(有效ISO****)及相关企业资质(包括但不限于营业执照或注册证书等), 财务状况良好,具有与本采购项目相应的供货能力; Qualification requirement: requires supplies to have ISO**** certification, enterprise qualification (including but not limited to business license or registration certificate, etc.), in good financial condition and have the supply ability corresponding to this project. 不接受分包。Subcontracting is not acceptable. *.* 信誉要求(适用于中国厂家):Credit requirements(applicable to Bidders in China): 在国家企业信用信息公示系统(http://www.gsxt.gov.cn)、信用中国网站(www.creditchina.gov.cn)未被列入严重违法失信企业名单或失信被执行人名单。 The supplier has not been listed in the serious illegal and trust-breaking enterprises or trust-breaking enforcement list In the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity system (http://www.gsxt.gov.cn)and credit China website (www.creditchina.gov.cn) *.* 其它要求: 本次招标要求投标人须具有独立法人资格,近*年内未被管道及所属单位列入黑名单,并且近*年内未与管道及所属单位有重大合同纠纷或者商业纠纷;能源一号网入网状态应为:“正常” (仅针对入网企业) 。 Other requirements: This bidding requires bidders to have independent legal personality, have not been blacklisted by the Pipeline Bureau and its affiliated units in the past * years, and have not had major contract disputes or commercial disputes with the Pipeline Bureau and its affiliated units in the past * years; The status Of Energy NO. * network connection should be "normal" (Only for connected enterprises). 采购文件的获取: 凡参与者,请于 ****年 *月 **日至 ****年*月 ** 日(**时间,下同)的供应商须登陆登陆“投标人自助服务平台”(https://zh.cpplb.com.cn:****),登记信息并下载采购文件,具体操作步骤见《非招标系统使用手册(供应商)》。 After the deadline for the sale of documents, All suppliers who have purchased documents just go to the the CPP electronic tendering& trading platform(https://zh.cpplb.com.cn:****)and refer to the operation menu as attachments *. 项目单位联系人: 秦涛 项目单位联系方式: *********** 采购代理机构联系人: 无 采购代理机构联系方式: 无 其他: 无 附件:Attachment * -非招标系统使用手册(供应商)_V*.pdf Attachment * -非招标系统使用手册(供应商)_V*.pdf




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