


报价网址:https://isp.sec.com.cn/source_detailsourceId=i*TueGAjakAcKCH**O*%*B*Q%*D%*D很抱歉,如果没有 JavaScript 支持,网站将不能正常工作。请启用浏览器的 JavaScript 然后继续。 寻源信息 寻源单号PUR********* 状态待报价 标题 劳保用品及消防物资采购 寻源策略询比价 提交人朱延涛 币种人民币元(CNY) 寻源单位深能安所固电力(加纳)有限公司 报价方式部分报价 报价截止日期****-**-** **:**:** 质疑截止日期****-**-** **:**:** 寻源类别物资采购 要求到货日期订单签订后 ** 天 商务联系方式***********/*********** 发布时间****-**-** **:**:** 备注 技术要求:A、必须是正宗原厂且符合最新标准的全新合格产品,保证满足规格、型号等技术要求。请提供产品的技术参数,选型资料、技术方案及协议,以及相关业绩等,并与技术负责人员直接确认。B、所有的质疑澄清须在规定时间提出,若无质疑则默认报价能满足技术要求,报价后不得就技术问题修改价格。C、技术经办人: 于恒斌D、特别提示:安全帽要另配下巴托,LOGO标识按附件样版定制。商务要求:A、交货时间:尽快。B、交货地点:货交**指定仓库(买方指定地点,运费由供货方承担)。C、付款方式:交货**后支付**%货款,余款待货到加纳验收入库后结清。D、报价(结算)币种:含**%增值税专票,人民币报价。E、质量保证期:不低于**个月。F、产品包装、装箱要求:*、若成交产品重量≥**KG,需用结实的适合长途海运的木箱包装,并提供详细装箱清单和唛头。*、若成交产品重量<**KG,需用结实的适合长途海运的纸箱包装,并提供详细装箱清单和唛头。G、报价时必须将盖章版PDF报价单作为附件上传。H、若为品牌授权商,请一并在附报价单同时,顺附授权资质证明文件。若海关查验此批物资,必须能够需提供如下网址http://***.***.**.***:****/zscq/search/jsp/vBrandSearchIndex.jspVbY*rnwef*WG=*************#涉及单位的电子授权。I、所报价格应默认为可分项供货价格。J、任何和原询价产品规格有差异之处,请务必进行特别标注说明!注:受海关出口政策影响,为保护知识产权,防止假货冒充真品出口,部分品牌有海关作知识产权海关保护备案,凡是备案名录中的品牌,出口中时需提供品牌权利人的电子授权书,确无法提供电子授权书的,可提供该产品到厂家或代理商的合同及发票,以证明产品的渠道正常。否则有被海关罚没的风险。 寻源明细 序号物资编码描述数量单位税率(%)品牌备注 *************燃油区域防静电工作服\M*套** *************燃油区域防静电工作服\L*套** *************燃油区域防静电工作服\XL*套**国标 *************燃油区域防静电工作服\XXL*套**国标 *************燃油区域防静电工作服\XXXL*套**国标 *************劳保丁腈手套\丁腈手套浸胶涂掌乳胶尼龙劳保手套 防滑耐磨透气耐油耐酸碱工地干活防护***副**国标 *************劳保隔热耐高温防烫手套\长款隔热耐高温防烫手套**副**国标 *************红色安全帽\带下巴托红色。帽前印刷**能源LOGO,帽后印刷号码由***-***开始。(注意:下巴托另配);品牌:MSA,**个印刷号码,另外**个不印刷号码 梅思安(MSA)(豪华型超爱戴)**顶**梅思安(MSA)(豪华型超爱戴) *************白色安全帽\带下巴托白色。帽前印刷**能源LOGO,帽后印刷号码由***-***开始。 (注意:下巴托另配);另外**个备用。梅思安(MSA)(豪华型超爱戴)***顶**梅思安(MSA)(豪华型超爱戴) **************黄色安全帽\带下巴托黄色。帽前印刷**能源LOGO,帽后印刷号码由***-***开始。(注意:下巴托另配);品牌:MSA,**个印刷号码,另外*个不印刷号码梅思安(MSA)(豪华型超爱戴)**顶**梅思安(MSA)(豪华型超爱戴) **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\***mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\***mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\**mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\***mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\***mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\***mm*个**国标 **************阻火器(汽车防火帽)\***mm*个**国标 ****************kg推车式消防灭火器防护罩\前高**.*cm,后高**cm***个**国标 **************消防演习烟雾罐\橙色**个**国标 **************消防演习烟雾罐\白色**个**国标 **************消防演习烟雾罐\红色**个**国标 **************消防演习烟雾罐\黄色**个**国标 **************消防演习烟雾罐\黑色**个**国标 **************消防灭火毯\*.*m**.*m(袋装)**个**国标 **************消防灭火毯\*.*m**.*m(袋装)**个**国标 **************消防灭火毯\*.*m**.*m(袋装)**个**国标 **************MOTOROLAGP***D+ 对讲机\GP***D+*个**MOTOROLA **************MOTOROLA GP***D+对讲机的电池\GP***D+用电池*.*v Rechargeable lithium ion battery*个**MOTOROLA **************过滤式消防自救呼吸器\符合GB *****.*-****标准***个**国标 **************便携式可燃气体测漏仪 液化石油气LPG泄漏检测仪\法国索尔曼Si-CD*便携式可燃气体测漏仪 液化石油气LPG泄漏检测仪*个**法国索尔曼 条款 序号描述详细 *转让/ Assignment本合同任何一方未经对方当事人书面同意,不得转让其本合同项下的任何权利、义务。 Neither Party may assign its rights and obligations under this Contract without the prior written consent of the other Party.*解决合同纠纷的方式/ Dispute resolution双方**协商,如果协商未成,双方可以提交******人民法院以诉讼方式解决争议(本合同适用中华人民**国的法律条款)。 The dispute shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached, dispute shall be handed over to the Shenzhen Futian People’s Court in lawsuit way. (This contract shall be governed in accordance with PRC laws.)*交货要求/ Delivery requirements*.卖方交货前,应提前三日通知买方,并提供物资装箱单电子版(装箱单格式由买方提供)。 Before delivery,the Seller shall notice the Buyer three days in advance and provide electronic packing list.(form of P/L shall be offered by the Buyer) *.交货地点:买方指定收货地点。 仓库名称:***汇**物流有限公司 仓库地址:******石岩料坑大道*号奥源产业园 仓库联系人:邓先生电话*********** 仓库上班时间:周一至周五;上午*:**-**:**;下午:**:**-**:**) 周六、周日及法定节假日休息(非仓库上班时间请勿送货,如送货产生的加班费由卖方承担) Delivery place:The place of receipt as designated by the Buyer. Warehouse Name:Shenzhen Huijinchuan Logistics Co., Ltd. Warehouse Address:Aoyuan Industrial Park, No. *, shiyanshikeng Avenue, Bao'an District, Shenzhen Warehouse contact: MR Deng *********** Warehouse working time:Monday to Friday;*:**-**:**am;**:**-**:**pm;Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays(Do not deliver goods during non-warehouse working hours, such as overtime charges arising from delivery shall be borne by the seller.) *.货物交接时,卖方应提供纸质送货单一式三份(买方两份,卖方一份),送货单由买卖双方盖章或签字确认,作为交货凭证。 Upon handing over,the Seller shall provide the delivery note in tripartite(two for the Buyer,one for the Seller).Delivery note signed or sealed by both sides can be deemed as proof of delivery. *. 交货时间:以实际合同约定为准。 Delivery time: On the basis of the negotiation of contract. *.按本合同约定及买方要求交货,是供货商的责任与义务。货物交货期应严格遵照合同约定执行,若因特殊原因需延迟交货,供货商应发正式函件说明理由并获得买方的批准。若实际延迟交货超过合同约定时间**天以上,则视为供货商违约,买方有权终止合同并保留追究供货商违约责任的权利。卖方应协助买方督促供货商按时交货、提交延迟交货的正式说明函、协助买方追究供货商的违约责任。 It is the responsibility and obligation of the supplier to deliver the goods as agreed in this contract and as required by the buyer. Delivery time of the goods shall be strictly in accordance with the contract, if delivery is delayed for special reasons, the supplier shall send an official letter stating the reasons and obtaining the approval of the buyer. If the actual delay in delivery exceeds the time stipulated in the contract for more than ** days, the supplier shall be deemed to be in breach of contract, and the buyer shall have the right to terminate the contract and reserve the right to hold the supplier liable for breach of contract. The Seller shall assist the Buyer to urge the Supplier to deliver the goods on time, to submit the formal statement of late delivery, and to assist the Buyer to investigate the Supplier for breach of contract.*付款方式/ Payment Terms双方**商榷。 Settled through friendly negotiation.*验收标准/ Acceptance standard*.货交国内时,由国内相关人员对货物的外观、数量进行初步验收。 When the goods are delivered to the country, the appearance and quantity of the goods shall be preliminarily accepted by the relevant personnel in the country. *.货到加纳仓库后,仓管人员及对应专业技术人员应在一个月内完成对货物的数量、规格、品质进行最终验收,验收异常的按照第*-*条执行。 Upon arrival of the goods to the Ghanaian warehouse, the warehouse management personnel and the corresponding professional and technical personnel shall complete the final acceptance of the quantity, specifications and quality of the goods within one month, and the abnormal acceptance shall be carried out in accordance with Article *-*. *.在货物验收过程中,如发生溢短装或货不对板等验收异常情况,买方需及时向卖方和供货商反馈验收异常报告,且供货商应在三天内回应买方。经确认为供货商过失的,供货商需在七天内给出明确的补救措施。 In the course of the acceptance of the goods, if there is an abnormal situation of acceptance, such as overloading or unpacking, the buyer should feedback the abnormal report to the seller and supplier in time, and the supplier should respond to the buyer within three days. If the supplier is confirmed to be in fault, the supplier shall provide a definite remedy within seven days. *.若因供货商的原因导致所供产品出现货不对板的情况,供货商需无条件补发正确产品或买方拒绝支付错误产品对应的款项。货物的补运方式视加纳现场使用该产品的紧急程度而定,若为紧急物资,供货商需自行承担货物运送至加纳现场的所有费用,包括但不限于空运费、国内清关费、运保费、目的港清关费等;且原来提供的错误产品不予退回。若供货商坚持要退回错误产品,需自行承担由此产生的所有费用。卖方应协助买方督促供货商解释异常原因、提供补救措施及供货商应尽的责任和义务。 The supplier shall issue the correct product or the buyer's refusal to pay the corresponding amount for the wrong product if the supplier causes the wrong product to appear. The mode of replenishment of the goods depends on the urgency of the use of the product on site in Ghana. In the case of emergency supplies, the supplier shall bear all the costs of the delivery of the goods to the site in Ghana, including, but not limited to, air freight, domestic customs clearance, transport insurance, customs clearance charges at the port of destination, etc.; and the wrong products originally provided shall not be returned. If the supplier insists on returning the wrong product, he shall bear all the costs arising therefrom. The Seller shall assist the Buyer in urging the Supplier to explain the reasons for the abnormality , the provision of remedies and the duties and obligations of the supplier.*包装/ Packaging*.**KG以内需选用耐压性强的瓦楞纸箱包装; Goods within **KG need to be packed in corrugated box with high pressure resistance. *.**KG<货重<****KG必须用木箱包装,木箱规定尺寸为以下三种规格(长*宽*高,单位:MM):**************、**************、***********;木箱底座高度为***MM,实木材质;底板、侧板、盖板厚度﹥**MM,胶合板材质;大型设备如无法满足以上包装尺寸,可按照实际设备尺寸包装,但需在合同签订前告知详情。 If **KG<goods weight <****KG, it must be packed in wooden box whose specified size is as(length * width * height, unit: MM): **** * **** * ****; **** * **** * ****; *** * *** * ***; The wooden box leg's height is ***MM, with solid wood material;the thickness of bottom plate, side plate,cover plate >**MM, with thick splint material;If large equipment cannot fit the above packaging,it can be packed according to the actual equipment size which should be informed before signing the contract. *. 钢管、扁铁、角钢、槽钢、圆钢等管材类物资如无特殊要求,长度必须裁截到*米以内,用钢笼包装固定,总重量≤****KG;钢板、铝板、木板等板材类物资使用木托包装,木托底座高为:***MM,实木材质,支撑板厚度﹥**MM,胶合板材质。 Goods,such as : steel pipe, flat iron, angle iron, channel steel, round steel and other pipe materials,If the length of the pipe is less than * meters without special requirements, they shall be packed and fixed with steel cage, Total gross weight of single steel cage shall not more than * tons. Steel sheet, aluminum plate, plank and other plate material use wood tray packaging;The height of wooden base : ***MM, solid wood material; The thickness of support plate must be more than **MM,splint material.The plate can be packed by naked packing and bundling, if the conditions cannot be met, please communicate with us in advance. *.化学品、油漆、润滑油等液体类和气体类物资必须使用木箱包装,包装尺寸和质量要求详见第*条(厂家直装化学品和油类物资,可由厂家自选包装方式,但要满足海运要求和保障运输安全)。危险品货物的包装应符合国际标准。 Liquids and gas goods such as chemicals, paints, and lubricating oil must be packed in wooden cases. The packaging size and quality requirements can be viewed in Article *. (For the direct packaging of chemical goods and oily goods, Which the manufacturer can choose the packaging method by themself, but it should be suitable for long distance ocean freight transportation and safety). The packaging of dangerous goods should be suitable for international standards. *. 空运物资必须使用木箱包装,包装尺寸和质量要求详见第*条,如遇大型设备及特殊尺寸物资单件尺寸<****MM *****MM *****MM(长*宽*高),单件毛重<****KG。 Goods by air freight be packed in wooden cases. The packaging size and quality requirements can be viewed in Article *. If the goods are a large equipment and with special size, thus, the maximum size of a single piece should be less than **** * ***** **** (length * width * height, unit: MM), and the total gross weight of the single piece should be less than ****KG. *. 所有包装必须适合长途海运或空运运输,并做好防湿、防潮、防震、防锈及防粗鲁搬运(特殊物资要做好装卸标识)。 All packaging must be suitable for long distance ocean or air freight transportation and with good resistance to moisture, dampness, shocks, rust and shock and rough handling. (Special materials should be marked with loading/unloading warning sign) *. 货到我司国内仓库之前如有包装破损,或不符合包装要求标准,一律拒收并整改包装,由此产生的相关费用由供货商承担。如因此造成延迟交货的,我司将纳入供应商评级考核。 If the package is damaged or doesn’t meet the packaging requirements before arriving at our domestic warehouse, it will be rejected and rectified and the related expenses will be borne by the supplier. If it causes delay in delivery, our company will consider it in suppliers rating. *. 唛头和标记由买方提供,卖方必须在外箱上张贴唛头、入仓单,未按要求张贴一律拒收并整改。 Shipping mark and label shall be offered by the buyer and the Seller must put up shipping mark and warehouse receipt on outer cartons. If the Seller fails to fulfill this requirement, cargos shall be rejected and the Seller shall rectify. *. 卖方不得在箱内放置任何体现货物价格信息的单据。 The Seller shall not place any documents indicating the price of the goods in the carton. **. 工厂装柜物资请按照上述要求包装,并在装柜前一日提供包装照片,完成装柜后请提供装柜、封柜和封条照片。*运输方式及费用承担/ Modes of transportation and expenses卖方将货物交到买方指定地点(见第三条)。货物交接前的所有运杂费均由卖方承担。 The Seller shall deliver products to the designated locations (Clause *). All the freight and miscellaneous expense before handling-over shall be borne by the Seller.*技术标准质量要求/Technical standard and quality requirements*.符合国际/国家相关质量标准和企业有关技术标准。 In accordance with International/national related quality standards and company’s related technical standard. *.供货商所提供的产品必须为全新件,买方不接受任何形式的二手件(含二手翻新件及旧件,买方指定采购的旧件除外)。一旦买方发现供货商所提供的产品为非全新件,买方将视供货商违约并拒绝支付对应产品的货款;买方已支付款项的,卖方必须全额退回。 The products supplied by the supplier must be all new parts, and the buyer does not accept any form of second-hand parts (including second-hand pieces and old parts, except the old parts designated by the buyer). Once the buyer finds that the product supplied by the supplier is incomplete, the buyer will see the supplier default and refuse to pay for the corresponding product; if the buyer has paid, the seller must return it in full. *.产品出厂时,需随产品装箱包括且不限于产品合格证、使用说明书、相关检验报告等资料。对产品材质有特殊要求的,卖方交货时还需提供产品材质合格报告。 When the product leaves the factory, it should include and not be limited to the product certificate, usage specification, relevant inspection report and so on. If there are special requirements for the material of the product, the seller shall also provide the qualified report of the material of the product when delivering the goods. *.质量保证期为:以货物运抵加纳验收合格之日起十二个月或货物交付**之日起十八个月计算,先到为准。 Warranty period: ** months after the acceptance of goods in Ghana or ** months after arrival at Shenzhen,which ever comes first. *.涉及产品安装、调试运行等技术类问题,有签订技术协议的按照技术协议执行。 Related to product installation, commissioning and operation of technical issues, there are signed technical agreement in accordance with the technical agreement.*违约责任/ Liability for breach of contract按《中华人民**国合同法》有关条款执行。如卖方未按合同约定提供货物,卖方支付买方合同成交金额**%作为违约金,并且承担因此给买方带来的直接及间接经济损失。 This contract is carried out under the <Contract Law of the People's Republic of China>. If the Seller fails to offer the goods in accordance with stipulation of the contract, the Seller shall pay **% of the contract value as liquidated damages and bear the direct and indirect financial loss of the Buyer.**生效/ Validation合同经双方签字盖章后生效。 Contract is effective after both parties sign and seal it. 质疑澄清列表 序号质疑澄清编号标题提交人提交时间类型状态 暂无数据 查看查看




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