


日期/ Date::****-*-* ************(以下简称:招标机构)受 中国航发**商用航空发动机制造有限责任公司 (以下简称:招标人)委托,对下述货物和服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,我们竭诚欢迎合格投标人参加投标。 /Shanghai Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.(hereinafter called ”the Tendering Agent”), authorized and on behalf of AECC SHANGHAI COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT ENGINE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD (hereinafter called ”the Tenderee“), We cordially welcome eligible bidders for the supply of following goods and service by way of International Competitive Bidding. *、 招标条件 / Bidding Conditions 项目概况/Project Overview:本项目拟为高压转子高速叶尖磨削工艺验证遥测系统进行招标。/The project proposes to high pressure rotor high speed tip grinding process validation telemetry system. 现招标人资金已到位,具备了招标条件。/Now Funds have been put in place, the Project is with the bidding conditions. *、招标内容 招标编号/ Bid No.:****-************ 招标项目名称:高压转子高速叶尖磨削工艺验证遥测系统。 / Project Name:High pressure rotor high speed tip grinding process validation telemetry system。 项目实施地点:** 。 /Place of Implementation:Shanghai . 招标产品清单 / List of Products: 序号/ No. 货物名称/ Name of the goods 数量/Quantity 简要技术规格 /Main Technical Data 交货期 / Delivery schedule * 高压转子高速叶尖磨削工艺验证遥测系统/ High pressure rotor high speed tip grinding process validation telemetry system *台套/* sets 详见第八章/see Section * 详见第八章/see Section * *、*投标人资格要求 /Qualification Requirements For Bidder: *) 遵守国家法律、法令和条例,在中华人民**国境内登记注册的,具有独立法人资格的企业,提交营业执照复印件;境外投标人须提供有效的企业登记证明材料; *) The bidder registered in the People's Republic of China shall provide a copy of the business license; Overseas bidders shall provide valid enterprise registration documents *) 投标人需具备遥测系统(通道数≮**CH,转速≥****rpm)类似项目经验。应列举出应用单位、应用型号及联系人与联系方式;提供合同复印件(合同复印件需包括转速≥****rpm、总通道数及通道类型); *) Bidders need to have telemetry system (number of channels ≮ **CH, speed ≥ ****rpm) similar project experience. The application unit, application model, and contact person and contact information should be listed; provide a copy of the contract (the copy of the contract should include speed ≥ ****rpm, total number of channels and channel type); *)投标人应为制造商或代理商;如为代理商,则应取得相应制造商对本项目的正式授权; *) The bidder should be a manufacturer or an agent; If it is an agent, it shall obtain the official authorization of the corresponding manufacturer for this project;. *)境内投标人提供******出具的银行基本账户开户许可证复印件或由为企业开立基本存款账户的银行出具的具有企业其本存款账户编号的说明文件原件或复印件; *) The domestic bidder shall provide a copy of the bank account opening license issued by the people's bank of China. Or the copy of the explanatory document with the basic account number issued by the bank that opens the basic account;. *)投标人须提供其开户银行在开标前三个月内开具的资信证明原件或复印件; *) The Bidder shall provide the bank reference letter issued within three (*) months prior to the time of bid opening in original or its copy;. *)投标人需提供近三年(****-****)财务审计报告,如未成立三年,需提供成立以来的第三方审计财务报告(财务审计报告需包括资产负债表、现金流量表和利润表,三表缺一不可) *) The Bidder shall provide the financial audit report for the past three years (****-****). If it has not been established for three years, it shall provide the third party's audited financial report since its establishment (the financial audit report shall include the balance sheet, cash flow statement and income statement, none of which is indispensable); *)投标人应提供《不参与围标串标承诺书》(详见:《附件*:不参与围标串标承诺书》); *) The bidder shall provide the "Not Participating in Bid-rigging and Collusive Commitment"(see 《The attachment *:"Not Participating in Bid-rigging and Collusive Commitment"》);. *)投标人应提供《供应商知识产权声明》(详见:《附件*:供应商知识产权声明》); *) The bidder shall provide 《Supplier's declaration of intellectual property rights》(see 《The attachment *:Supplier's declaration of intellectual property rights》);. *、本次招标不接受联合体投标。/ Joint Bids is NOT Available. *、招标文件的获取 / Acquisition of Bidding Documents 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以。 Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available. 招标文件购买时间: **** 年 * 月 * 日至**** 年 * 月 ** 日,每天(节假日除外) * 至 ** 时 ** 分,** 时 ** 分至 ** 时(**时间) /Time of Selling Bidding Documents:from ****-*-* to ****-*-** , the deadline at working time *:**-**:**,**:**-**:** (Beijing Time). 招标文件发售地点:*****路***号恒达大厦**楼(************) /Pace of Selling Bidding Documents: **/F Hengda Plaza *** Changshou Road, Shanghai (Shanghai Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co.) 招标文件售价:每套售价: **** 元人民币,或 *** 美元,售后不退。 /Price of Bidding Documents: RMB **** , or USD *** for each set. *、投标文件的递交 / Bid Submission 投标截止时间/开标时间:**** 年 * 月 ** 日 ** 时 ** 分(**时间) /Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening:****-*-** , **:** (Beijing Time) 投标文件送达地点:*****路***号恒达大厦**楼 /Pace of Bid: **/F Hengda Plaza *** Changshou Road, Shanghai 开标地点:*****路***号恒达大厦**楼 /Pace of Bid : **/F Hengda Plaza *** Changshou Road, Shanghai 本项目采用电子招标投标和纸质投标同时进行,电子招标投标交易平台为“中国航发电子招投标平台(网址:http://ebid.aecc-mall.com)”,投标人应当在上述电子招标投标交易平台注册登记,并办理CA数字证书,否则无法参加投标。注册登记以及电子招投标等具体内容请参看中国航发电子招投标平台(网站以中国航发网上**电子招投标专区显示)-【帮助中心】-【投标人招投标专区快速上手指引】发布的相关指南! 投标人应在投标截止时间前将加密的电子版投标文件传至中国航发网上**电子招投标专区(http://ebid.aecc-mall.com/),并在投标截止时间前现场递交单独密封的纸质版投标文件。招标人只接收在投标截止时间前已成功上传了加密的电子投标文件的投标人递交的纸质投标文件。未成功上传加密的电子投标文件的投标人,其纸质投标文件也将被拒收。 潜在投标人应同时登录《中国航发网上**电子招投标专区》http://ebid.aecc-mall.com/进行注册、报名并将付款凭证上传至《中国航发网上**电子招投标专区》,待审核支付成功后可下载招标文件。任何未在《中国航发网上**电子招投标专区》下载招标文件和未在招标代理机构缴费的法人或其他组织均不得参加本项目的投标。 投标人在投标前应在必联网(https://www.ebnew.com)或机电产品招标投标电子交易平台(https://)完成注册及信息核验,否则无法参加投标。 *、联系方式 / Contact Details 招标人名称:中国航发**商用航空发动机制造有限责任公司 /Name of Tenderee :AECC SHANGHAI COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT ENGINE MANUFACTURING CO.,LTD 招标人地址:中国*******鸿音路**号 /Address :No.**, Hongyin Road, Pudong District, Shanghai 联系人/Attention:孙老师 / Ms. Sun 电话/Tel:**-**-******** 招标机构名称:************ / Name of the Tendering Agent :Shanghai Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd. 地址:*****路***号恒达大厦**楼 / Address :**/F Hengda Plaza *** Changshou Road, Shanghai 邮政编码/ Postcode:****** 联系人:胡思松、叶子源、顾一鸣 /Attention: Mr. Hu Sisong、Mr. Ye Ziyuan、Mr. Gu Yiming 电话/Tel:**-**-******** 传真/Fax:**-**-******** 电子信箱/ E-mail: ***********、*********** *、汇款方式 / Remittance Approach 开户名称:************ / Name of the Tendering Agent :Shanghai Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd. 开户银行:中国建设银行***分行营业部 /Account Bank: China Construction Bank Shanghai Branch, Banking Department 帐号/Account NO.:******************** SWIFT CODE:PCBCCNBJSHX 开户银行地址:中国***淮海中路***号 /Address of Account Bank: *** Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai, P.R.China


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