


公告 激光划线系统(含扫平仪)-公开招标公告 (招标编号:****-************) 招标项目所在地区:*** 一、招标条件 本激光划线系统(含扫平仪)【重新招标】(招标项目编号:****-************),已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准,项目资金来源为国拨+自筹,招标人为**造船(集团)有限责任公司。本项目已具备招标条件,现进行公开招标。 二、项目概况和招标范围 项目规模:详见其他公告内容 。 招标内容与范围:详见其他公告内容 本招标项目划分为标段* 个标段,本次招标为其中的: *** 激光划线系统(含扫平仪) 三、投标人资格要求 *** 激光划线系统(含扫平仪): 详见其他公告内容 本项目不允许联合体投标。 四、招标文件的获取 获取时间:****年**月**日**时**分**秒---****年**月**日**时**分**秒 获取方法:详见其他公告内容 五、投标文件的递交 递交截止时间:****年**月**日**时**分**秒 递交方法:详见其他公告内容 六、开标时间及地点 开标时间:****年**月**日**时**分**秒 开标地点及方式:详见其他公告内容 七、其他公告内容 ************(以下简称:招标机构)受**造船(集团)有限责任公司(以下简称:招标人)委托,对下述货物和服务进行招标,我们竭诚欢迎合格投标人参加投标。 /Shanghai Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.(hereinafter called ”the Tendering Agent”), authorized and on behalf ofJiangnan Shipbuilding (Group) Co. LTD(hereinafter called ”the Tenderee“),We cordially welcome eligible bidders for the supply of following goods and service by way of International Competitive Bidding. *、招标条件 / Bidding Conditions 项目概况/Project Overview:采购激光划线系统(含扫平仪)*套/Purchase * sets of Laser marking systems (including broom)。 现招标人资金已到位,具备了招标条件。/Now Funds have been put in place, the Project is with the bidding conditions. *、招标内容 招标编号/Bid No.:****-************ 招标项目名称:激光划线系统(含扫平仪)。 / Project Name:Laser marking system (including broom)。 项目实施地点:*****岛****大道***号。 /Place of Implementation: No. *** Changxing Jiangnan Avenue, Changxing Island, Shanghai 招标产品清单 / List of Products: 序号/No. 货物名称/ Name of the goods 数量/Quantity 简要技术规格 /Main Technical Data 交付时间 / Delivery schedule 备注/Remarks * 激光划线系统(含扫平仪)/Laser marking system (including broom) *套/* sets 线性距离:直径大于**m,水平转角±***°,垂直转角:+**°~-**°,空间坐标测量不确定度(MPE):≤**um+*um/m /Linear distance: diameter greater than **m, horizontal Angle ±***°, vertical Angle: +**° ~ -**°, spatial coordinate measurement uncertainty (MPE) :≤**um+*um/m 其余详见第八章-货物需求一览表及技术规格/See Chapter * ****年**月**日前/By November **, **** *、*投标人资格要求 /Qualification Requirements For Bidder: *) 本次招标接受代理商投标,代理商必须得到激光划线系统制造商同意其在本次投标中提供该货物的正式书面授权书。 /This bidding accepts bid from agent, and the agent must obtain the manufacturer's formal written authorization for consent to supply goods in this bids。 *)从****年*月*日起具有激光划线系统供货业绩(业绩均须附供货合同必要部分复印件,时间以合同签订日期为准。所提供的合同复印件乙方应当为投标人或其所代理的制造商,如未提供业绩证明材料或业绩证明材料不符合要求的,评标委员会有权拒绝该投标)。 /Since January *, ****, the company has supplied Laser marking system(the copies of the necessary parts of the supply contract shall be attached to the performance (the original copy for reference). The date of signing the contract shall be subject to the performance The copy of the contract provided by Party B shall be the bidder or the manufacturer represented by Party B. If the performance certification materials are not provided or the performance certification materials do not meet the requirements, the bid evaluation committee has the right to reject the bid). 投标人开户银行在开标日前三个月内开具的资信证明原件或复印件,境内投标人的资信证明须由其开立基本账户的银行开具。 /Bidder shall provide the bank reference letter issued within three months prior to the time of bid opening in original or its copy,The credit certificate of the domestic bidder shall be issued by the bank where the basic account is opened. 信誉要求: ①未被列入**造船(集团)有限责任公司失信名单; ②****年*月*日以来投标人无行贿犯罪行为。 /Reputation requirement: ①Not included in the list of dishonest Jiangnan Shipbuilding (Group) Co., LTD ②Since January *, ****,The bidder has no criminal acts of bribery 投标人必须向招标代理机构购买招标文件并进行登记才具有投标资格;接受委托参与项目前期咨询和招标文件编制的法人或其他组织不得参加投标。 /Bidder must purchase and register the bidding document from the Bidding Agency to become eligible for bid; legal person or other organization that are entrusted to participate in the preliminary consultation of the project and the preparation of bidding documents shall not participate in the bid. 本次招标是否接受联合体投标:不接受。 / Joint Bids:NOT Available. *、招标文件的获取 / Acquisition of Bidding Documents 招标文件购买时间:****年*月**日至****年*月**日 /Time of Selling Bidding Documents:from ****-*-**to ****-*-**. 招标文件发售地点:*****路***号**楼(************) /Place of Selling Bidding Documents: **/F No. *** Changshou Road, Shanghai, P.R.C. (Shanghai Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co.Ltd) 招标文件售价:每套售价:****元人民币,或***美元,售后不退。 /Price of Bidding Documents: RMB****yuan, or USD*** for each set. 支持现场领购,同时支持线上购买,详见其他说明: 凡有意参加投标者,请按如下步骤操作: (*)凡有意购买招标文件的潜在投标人,请前往“中招联合招标采购平台”进行供应商注册,注册免费(网址:www.***trade.com.cn/)(在注册页面准确填写供应商名称、统一社会信用代码等信息,并按照要求上传供应商公司证件,信息完善后点击“完成注册”); (*)注册审核通过后,登录系统,点击页面左下角“寻找招标项目”进行项目名称查询,找到项目后点击“我要参与”,需要购标审核的项目按要求上传购标资料(法定代表人(单位负责人)授权委托书原件、委托代理人身份证明原件及复印件、营业执照复印件(加盖公章)、资质证书(如有)复印件(加盖公章)); (*)等待项目负责人审核通过后,供应商选中需要购买的招标文件标包加入购物车进行标书费用支付,支付完成后,供应商可进行招标文件的下载; (*) 标书款发票由招标代理机构开具,供应商可在平台申请后在发票管理页面下载。平台操作过程中如需帮助,可联系平台客服热线***-********(上午*:**—**:**,下午:**:**—**:**)获取支持;潜在投标人在标书发售截止时间前登录中招联合招标采购平台注册、购买标书,否则将无法保证获取电子版招标文件。标书款、平台交易费一经获取不予退还。 /For interested tenderers, please follow the following steps: (*) Potential bidders who intend to purchase bidding documents, please go to the "China Recruitment Joint bidding and Procurement Platform" for supplier registration, registration free (website: (www.***trade.com.cn/) in the registration page accurate fill in supplier information such as name, unified social credit code, and upload the supplier company certificates in accordance with the requirements, perfect information and then click the "complete registration"); (*) After the registration review is passed, log in to the system, click "Looking for bidding projects" in the lower left corner of the page to query the project name, and click "I want to participate" after finding the project. For the projects that need to be reviewed by the purchase bid, upload the purchase bid information as required (original letter of authorization of the legal representative (person in charge of the unit), original and copy of the identity certificate of the entrusted agent, copy of the business license (with official seal), copy of the qualification certificate (if any) (with official seal)); (*) After the approval of the project leader, the supplier will select the bidding document package to be purchased and add it to the shopping cart to pay the bidding fee. After the payment is completed, the supplier can download the bidding document; (*)The invoice of tender payment is issued by the bidding agency, and the supplier can download it on the invoice management page after the platform application. If you need help during the platform operation, you can contact the platform customer service hotline at ***-******** (*:**-**:** am, **:**-**:** PM) to get support; The potential bidders shall register and purchase the bidding documents on the joint bidding and procurement platform before the deadline for the sale of the bidding documents, otherwise they will not be guaranteed to obtain the electronic version of the bidding documents. Tender payment and platform transaction fee are not refundable once obtained. *、投标文件的递交 / Bid Submission 投标截止时间/开标时间:****年*月*日*时**分(**时间) /Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening:****-*-*, *:**(Beijing Time) 投标文件送达地点:*****路***号**楼第*会议室 /Pace of Bid: Room *,**/F No. *** Changshou Road, Shanghai, P.R.C. 开标地点:*****路***号**楼第*会议室 /Pace of Bid: Room *,**/F No. *** Changshou Road, Shanghai, P.R.C. *、投标人在投标前需在中国国际招标网上完成注册。本项目招标公告和评标结果将在中国国际招标网和中国招标投标公共服务平台发布。 /The bidder needs to register before the tender on . The bidding announcement and bidding evaluation results of this project will be released onwww.cebpubservice.com & . ***投标人应当于招标文件载明的投标截止时间前在中国国际招标网(以下简称“招标网”,网址:)成功注册。否则,投标人将不能进入招标程序,由此产生的后果由其自行承担。 The bidder shall be successfully registered in the China international bidding network (hereinafter referred to as the "tender website", website: ) before the deadline of the bid documents specified in the bidding documents. Otherwise, the bidder will not be able to enter the bidding process, and the consequent consequences will be borne by the bidder. 八、监督部门 本招标项目的监督部门为中国船舶集团有限公司战略规划部。 九、联系方式 招标人:**造船(集团)有限责任公司 地址:*****区**镇****大道***号 联系人:彭经理 电话:***-******** 电子邮件:/ 招标代理机构:************ 地址:********路***号恒达大厦**楼 联系人:金晶、吴明亮 电话:***-******** 电子邮件:*********** 招标人或其招标代理机构主要负责人(项目负责人):_______________(签名) 招标人或其招标代理机构:_______________(盖章)


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