


****年商务部律师事务所库招标项目—国际贸易和投资争端子库—国际投资法律事务(境外) Bidding Project of **** Ministry of Commerce’s Candidate List of LawFirms—International Trade and Investment Dispute Sub-list—International Investment Law (Foreign Law Firms) 招标公告 Bidding Announcement 项目概况 Project overview ****年商务部律师事务所库招标项目——国际贸易和投资争端子库-国际投资法律事务(境外)的潜在投标人在中国通用招标网http://www.china-tender.com.cn获取招标文件,并于****年**月**日*:**时(**时间)前递交投标文件。 Project overview The potential bidders of Public Bidding of **** Ministry of Commerce's Law Firm Library Bid Project—Trade Remedies and Trade Barrier Response Sub-Library-Work Against Trade Barrier shall obtain the bid documents in http://www.china-tender.com.cn(China General Bid Network), and submit the bidding documents before *:** (Beijing time) on October**,****. 一、项目基本情况 I. Basic information of the project *.招标编号:****-****HB****** *. Bid No.: ****-****HB****** *.项目名称:****年商务部律师事务所库招标项目——国际贸易和投资争端子库-国际投资法律事务(境外) *. Project Name: **** Ministry of Commerce’s Candidate List of Law Firms-International Trade and Investment Dispute Sub-list-International Investment Law (Foreign Law Firms) *.预算金额:资金已落实 *.Budget amount: fully funded *.采购需求: *. Purchasing demand: 采购标的需实现的功能或者目标; (*) Functions or objectives to be achieved in the procurement object; 为商务部在以下方面提供法律服务: Provide legal services to the Ministry of Commerce in the following fields: 一、国际投资领域的条约谈判。 一、Treaty negotiations in the field of international investment. 二、跨境投资领域立法及其实施。 二、Legislation and its implementation in the field of foreign investment and overseas investment. 三、涉及中国政府的国际投资争端应对。 三、International investment disputes involving the Chinesegovernment. 采购标的需执行的国家相关标准、行业标准、地方标准或者其他标准、规范; (*) Relevant national standards, industry standards, local standards or other standards and specifications to be implemented for the procurement object; 符合中华人民**国法律法规要求。 Meet the requirements of laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China. 采购标的需满足的质量、安全、技术规格、物理特性等要求; (*) Quality, safety, technical specifications, physical characteristics and other requirements to be met for the procurement object; 熟悉国际投资领域条约谈判、立法、争端解决相关规则和实践,按照委托方要求完成相关工作。 Be familiar with the relevant rules and practices on treaty negotiation, legislation and dispute settlement in the field of international investment, and complete relevant work according to the requirements of the entrusting party. (*)采购标的的数量、采购项目交付或者实施的时间和地点; (*) The quantity of procurement object, the time and place of delivery or implementation of procurement items; 包号 Package No. 包名称 Name of Package 最大中标人数量 Max. number of Winning Bidders * 国际投资法律事务(境外) International InvestmentLaw (Foreign Law Firms) ** (*)采购标的需满足的服务标准、期限、效率等要求; (*) Service standards, deadlines, efficiency and other requirements to be met for the procurement object; 团队成员数量充足,且具备提供符合工作质量要求的法律服务的专业水准和相关经验。团队成员恪尽职守,并保持必要的谨慎和勤勉,严格按工作时限完成工作任务。 The number of the team members should be sufficient, and have the professional standards and relevant experience in offering legal service that can meet the quality requirements of such service.Team member should scrupulously abide by the duty, keep cautious and diligent, to accomplish task in strict compliance with working timelimit. 采购标的的验收标准; (*) Acceptance criteria for procurement object; 按照合同要求完成相关工作。 Complete relevant work according to the contract requirements. 采购标的的其他技术、服务等要求。 (*) Other technical and service requirements for the procurement object.None 无 None *.合同履行期限:本项目服务有效期为****年*月*日开始至****年** 月**日为止。 *. Contract performance period: The service term of the project is from January *, ****to December **, **** *.本项目(不接受)联合体投标。 *. Joint bidding is unacceptable. 二、申请人的资格要求 II. The qualification requirements for applicants *、投标人应为在中国境外合法设立的律师事务所(含在港澳台地区注册的律师事务所)。投标人不得以其驻华代表机构的名义投标,但可通过其驻华代表机构办理相关事宜); *. The biddershall be a law firm legally established outside China (including law firms registered in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwanof China).Biddersmay not conduct bidding in the name of their representative offices in China(but they may handle relevant matters through their representative offices in China); *、具有良好的商业信誉和健全的财务会计制度; *. Bidders shall have good business reputation and sound financialandaccounting system; *、具有承办委托法律服务事项的团队和能力。 *. Bidders shall have a team with the ability to provide the entrusted legal services; *、落实政府采购政策需满足的资格要求:无。 *. Qualifications for implementing the government's procurement policy: None. *、本项目的特定资格要求:投标人应获取本项目招标文件。 *. Specific qualification requirements of this project: The biddershall obtain the biddingdocument of this project. 三、获取招标文件 III. Obtain the bidding document *.时间:****年*月**日至****年**月**日**:**。 *. Time: September **,**** to **:**, October **,****. *.地点:中国通用招标网http://www.china-tender.com.cn。本项目招标文件采用线上方式获取,不向投标人提供纸质招标文件。 *. Location: http://www.china-tender.com.cn, China General Bid Network.The biddingdocument of this project are available online, and no paper bid documents are provided to tenderers. *.方式: *. Way (*)有意向的投标人应先在中国通用招标网http://www.china-tender.com.cn免费注册 (*)Interested bidders shall register free of charge at the website of http://www.china-tender.com.cn (*)注册完成后,按网上操作流程下载文件。 (*)After the registration is completed, download the documents according to the online operation procedures. (*)客户服务热线支持:***-***-**** (*) Customer service hotline: ***-***-****. (*)CA办理相关事宜: (*) Matters related to CA handling 投标人在平台下载投标文件编制软件进行投标文件编制,投标文件编制完成后,使用CA进行投标文件的加盖签章,并将加盖签章的投标文件加密导出后上传,最后使用CA进行开标截止时间后的解密。 The tenderershould download the bidding document preparation software on the platform for bidding document preparation.After the bidding document preparation is completed, please use CA for stamping and signature of the the tenderdocument, then encrypt, export and uploaded the stamped and signed tender document, and finally decrypt the tender document after the deadline for bid opening using CA. 本项目将通过中国通用招标网(www.china-tender.com.cn)电子招标平台(以下简称“本平台”)进行网上全流程招投标,有意向的投标人须在平台注册后办理CA电子证书。办理CA电子证书后,也可以使用CA电子证书参加在本平台进行的其他全流程招投标项目,因其他项目办理过本平台CA锁的,如CA锁还在有效期内,则可直接使用。 The online whole process bid and bidding of this project will be conducted through the electronic bidding platform- China General Bidding Network (www.china-tender.com.cn) (hereinafter referred to as “the Platform”). Interested tenderersmust apply for CA e-certificate after registering on the platform. After handling the CA E-Cert, the bidder can also use the CA E-Cert to participate in other whole-process bid and bidding projects on this platform. If the CA lock of the Platform has been applied for in other projects, it can be used directly if the CA lock is still within the validity period. 办理CA电子证书有关事项如下: Matters related to handling CA e-cert are as follows: *)办理时间:请于开标前*周完成办理并检查确认可正常使用。 *) Time for handling: Please complete the handling within one week before the bid opening and check that it can be used normally. *)办理程序:投标人须在中国通用招标网(www.china-tender.com.cn)进行线上办理,按要求在平台完成信息填报,选择有介质证书或者无介质证书即可。具体详见《平台操作指导手册》。 *) Handling procedures: The tenderermust handle online at China General Bidding Network (www.china-tender.com.cn), complete information filling on the platform as required, then choose the certificate with/without media.See Platform Operation Instruction Manual for details. 考虑到环境兼容性问题,境外机构可通过驻华代表机构代为办理操作。 In consideration of environmental compatibility, it can be handled through the representative office in China. *×**小时客户服务热线支持:***-***-**** *×** hours customer service hotline: ***-***-**** CFCA客服电话:***-***-**** CFCA customer service tel: ***-***-**** CFCA微信公众号:CFCA-********** CFCA WeChat official account: CFCA-********** *)售价:投标人可选择按项目或按年度办理,选择按项目办理的费用为***元人民币或**美元或**欧元;选择按年度办理的,费用为***元人民币或***美元或***欧元,可在有效期内参与平台的其他全电子项目,售后不退。 *)Price: Bidders canchoose to process on a project-by-project or year-by-year basis.The cost is CNY*** or USD** or EUR** if they choose to process on a project-by-project basis; or CNY*** or USD*** or EUR*** if they choose to process on a year-by-year basis. The bidders areallowed to participate in other all-electronic projects of the platform during the period of validity, and the sale price is non-refundable. 如需办理,应按照网上操作流程在线购买。 If you need to complete the process, please follow the online operation procedures for making purchases online. 费用可通过银行转账(包括银行电汇、银行信汇、网上银行等),账户信息如下: Expenses can be transferred via bank (including bank telegraphic transfer, bank post remittance, online banking, etc.), and the account information is as follows: 户名:********** Account Name: China International Tendering Co., Ltd. 银行账号:***************** bank Account:***************** 开户行:华夏银行**分行 Bank: Hua Xia Bank Beiing Branch 银行地址:中国*****金融大街**号邮编:****** Bank Address:No.** Financial Street, Xicheng District,Beijing, ******,China SWIFT CODE: HXBKCNBJ*** 项目经理:王梓轩/吴家豪; 电话:***-********/***-********/ 手机:***********/***********/***********/***********/***********; 电子邮箱:*********** Project Manager: Wang Zixuan/Wu Jiahao; Tel.:***-********/***-********/ MobilePhone:***********/***********/***********/***********/***********; Email: *********** 四、提交投标文件截止时间、开标时间和地点 IV. Deadline for submission of bid documents, time and place of bid opening. *.时间:****年**月**日*:**时(**时间)。为了避免可能的网络拥堵,建议投标人在投标截止时间的**小时之前完成加密上传。 *. Time: *:** am onOctober **, **** (Beijing time). In order to avoid possible network congestion, it is recommended that bidders complete encrypted uploading before ** hours of the deadline for bidding. *.地点:线上开标。中国通用招标网http://www.china-tender.com.cn。 *. Location: Online bid opening. China General Bid Network https://zbfile.zhaobiao.cn/resources/styles/v*/jsp/bidFile.jspid=**********. 五、公告期限 V. Announcement period 自本公告发布之日起*个工作日。 * working days from the date of issuing this announcement. 六、其他补充事宜 VI. Other supplementary matters *.政府采购政策:(不适用) *. The government’s procurement policy: (not applicable). (*)鼓励节能政策:在技术、服务等指标同等条件下,优先采购属于国家公布的节能品目清单中产品。 (*) Policy of encouraging energy conservation: under the same conditions of technology and service, the products in the list of energy-saving items published by the state shall be preferentially purchased. (*)鼓励环保政策:在性能、技术、服务等指标同等条件下,优先采购国家公布的环保产品品目清单中的产品。 (*) Policy of encouraging environmental protection: under the same conditions of performance, technology and service, give priority to purchasing products in the list of environmental protection products published by the state. (*)扶持中小企业政策:货物和服务项目评审时小型和微型企业产品享受**%的价格折扣,用扣除后的价格参加评审;工程项目评审时小型和微型企业在采用原报价进行评分的基础上增加其价格得分的*%。 (*) Policy of supporting small and medium-sized enterprises: when evaluating goods and services items, products from small and micro enterprises shall enjoy a price discount of **%, and shall participate in the evaluation with the deducted price; during the project evaluation, on the basis of adopting the original quotation for scoring, scoring of small and micro enterprises shall be increased by *% of the price scores. (*)投标产品不得为进口产品。 (*) The bidding products shall not be imported products. (*)本项目鼓励节能产品、环保产品和中小企业投标(监狱企业、残疾人福利性单位视同小型、微型企业)的具体办法详见第三章评标办法。与第三章评标办法内容不一致的,以第三章评标办法规定为准。 (*) For specific measures for encouraging bidding of energy-saving products, environmental protection products and small and medium-sized enterprises in this project (prison enterprises and welfare units for the disabled are regarded as small and micro enterprises), please refer to Chapter III Bid Evaluation Measures for details.In case of any inconsistency with the contents of Chapter III Bid Evaluation Measures, the provisions of Chapter III Measures shall prevail. 七、对本次招标提出询问,请按以下方式联系 VII. If you need to enquire about this bid, please contact in the following ways. *. Purchaser’s Information. 采购人:中华人民**国商务部 Purchaser: Ministry of Commerce, P.R. China 地址:***东**街*号 Address: No. *, EastChang’an Street, Beijing, P.R. China 电话:+**-**-******** Tel: +**-**-******** *.采购代理机构信息 *. Procurement Agency’s Information. 采购代理机构:********** Procurement agency: China International Tendering Co., Ltd. 地址:******西营街*号院通用时代中心c座 Address: Building C, Genertec Plaza, No.* Xiyingstreet, Fengtai District, Beijing, P.R. China 电话:+**-**-******** Tel: +**-**-******** *.项目联系方式 *. Contact Information for the Project 项目联系人:王梓轩/吴家豪; 电话:***-********/***-********/ 手机:***********/***********/***********/***********/***********; Project Manager: Wang Zixuan/Wu Jiahao; Tel.:***-********/***-********/ MobilePhone:***********/***********/***********/***********/***********; ****年*月**日 September **, ****




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