


*.[China Unicom (Australia) Operations Pty Ltd] hereby invites interested and qualified companies to participate in the bidding process for the [CUAU FY**** Audit Services 澳洲联通****年度财报审计服务采购项目]. The bidding process will be conducted through a public comparison, and all potential suppliers are welcome to submit their bids for the supply of [Audit Services] in accordance with the outlined requirements. *.【中国联通(澳大利亚)运营有限公司】特此邀请有兴趣且具备资质的公司参与【澳洲联通****年度财报审计服务采购项目】的比选过程。本次将通过公开比选的方式进行,有意向的投标人可按要求进行投标。 *. Project Name: [CUAU FY**** Audit Services 澳洲联通****年度财报审计服务采购项目] *. 项目名称:【澳洲联通****年度财报审计服务采购项目】 *. List of Services(采购内容): *.* Audit financial statement for the year ended ** Dec ****, including review the opening balance of ** Dec **** and other audit procedures for FY****. *.* Preparation of financial statement for the above period. *. Eligibility Criteria: *. 资质要求: To be eligible to participate in the bidding process, bidders must meet the following criteria: 为了有资格参与比选过程,投标人必须满足以下条件: Bidders must be formally registered and authorized to provide audit services in Australia as accounting firms. 投标人须是在澳大利亚正式注册并获准提供审计服务的会计师事务所。 投标人须在过去*年有和电信公司**过的经验。 Bidders must have experience collaborating with telecommunications companies in the past five years. 投标人须提供中英双语咨询服务。 Bidders must provide bilingual (Chinese and English) consulting services. 财务报告的有权签字人须具备注册会计师资格。 The authorized signatory on the financial report must be a qualified certified public accountant(CPA). Bidders must not be listed in the "China Unicom Supplier Blacklist." 投标人不得被列入《中国联通供应商黑名单》。 *. The contract will be awarded to the bidder who meets the eligibility requirements, ranks in a highest position among the potential bidders and offers the lowest price. *. 合同将授予满足资质要求、行业排名相对最高、并提供最低价格的投标人。 *. Bid Submission: *. 投标提交: Bidders are required to submit their proposals in English, clearly specifying the *.List of Services specified above. 投标人必须以英文提交涵盖上述*.采购内容清单的提案。 The deadline for bid submission is **:** On September **,**** (Sydney Time). Late bids will not be accepted. 投标截止时间为****年*月**日**:**(悉尼时间)。逾期投标将不予接受。 Bidders are required to submit their proposals via email to the contact person’s email address provided below. 投标人须将提案以邮件形式提交于下述联系人邮箱。 *. Contact Information: 联系信息: *. For bid submission, any inquiries or clarification regarding the bidding process or the technical specifications, please contact: 提交投标,或如对比选过程或采购内容规范有任何疑问需要澄清,请联系: [Jennifer He] [E-mail:***********] *. Supervision Department: Audit Department of CHINA UNICOM (HONG KONG) OPERATIONS LIMITED. Report email: hq-*********** *. 监督部门:中国联通国际有限公司监察审计部 举报邮箱:hq-*********** We look forward to receiving your competitive bid and working with your esteemed company on this project. 我们期待收到您具有竞争力的投标,并与贵公司**完成该项目。 澳大利亚运营有限公司 国际公司本部


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