


项目名称: 东非原油外输管道项目三穿滑块询比采购 项目概况: *.*项目概况:东非原油外输管道EPC项目起点于乌干达Tilenga CPF(联络线起点),止于坦桑尼亚 Tanga港,总长****km,其中:干线****km,联络线**km。乌干达境内***km, 坦桑尼亚境内****km;全线泵站*座,减压站*座,阀室**座,电伴热站**座(与阀室合建**座,单独建设*座)。该项目业主为道达尔勘探开发公司(上游,联络线部分)与道达尔东非中游公司。计划工期为**个月。 East African Crude Oil Pipeline EPC Project starts from Tilenga CPF, Uganda (starting point of contact line) and ends at Tanga Port, Tanzania, with a total length of *,***km, including *,***km trunk line and **km connection line. ***km in Uganda and ****km in Tanzania; There are * pump stations, * decompression stations, ** valve rooms and ** electric tracing stations (** jointly built with valve rooms and * separately built). The project is owned by Total E&P (upstream, link line) and Total East Non-Midstream. The planned construction period is ** months. *.* 供货范围:本次采购物资详见下表 Scope of Supply: S/N Material Description Main Technical Parameters Unit Quantity Remark A Casing Spacer Polypropylene Casing spacer shall be suitable for casing Pipe OD(****mm)x**.*mm and Carrier Pipe OD(***mm). Set **** Tanzania B Casing Spacer Polypropylene Casing spacer shall be suitable for casing Pipe OD(****mm)x**.*mm and Carrier Pipe OD(***mm). Set *** Uganda *.* 交货地点 Delivery place: 中国投标人Chinese Suppliers: **港/***交货 TIANJING PORT/SHANGHAI PORT,CHINA 国外投标人(非属地)International Suppliers(Outside China bidders): A包,CIF Dares Salaam Port,Tanzania;B包, CIF Mombasa Port, Kenya。 Package A shall quote CIF Dares Salaam Port, Tanzania Package B shall quote CIF Mombasa Port, Kenya 属地投标人Local Suppliers(Uganda bidders):DDP(At site of Uganda). 项目单位: 中国石油管道局工程有限公司 项目类别: 物资类 项目分类: 三类 供应商资格要求: *.* 本次采购 不接受 联合体。 Suppliers from joint venture are not accepted. *.* 投标人须具有独立法人资格,为此项目的专业生产、制造、安装、调试的制造商或贸易商,对其提供的货物和服务负全面责任。 The Bidder shall be a manufacturer or trade who possesses independent legal personality , has independence in law and finance and operates legally and shall take full responsibility to the goods and service. *.* 本次采购要求投标人具备有效ISO****证书及相关企业资质。 Qualification requirement: The bidder should have the Certificate of ISO**** and enterprise qualification。 *.* 财务要求Financial requirements: 国内投标人:提供 * 年度(****-****)财务报告,经会计师事务所或审计机构审计的财务会计报表,包括但不限于资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表和财务情况说明书(或报表附注)的复印件。不存在进入清算程序、被宣告破产或其他丧失履约能力的情形;成立日期晚于要求年份的,从成立年起计算。 Chinese Suppliers: The bidder should provide financial reports for * years(****-****), including but not limited to balance sheets, cash flow statements, income statements and financial statements.The reports should be audited by accounting firms or institutions. The bidder should not be in the situation of bankrupt or unable to perform the contract; If the date of establishment is later than ****, it shall be counted from the year of establishment. 国外投标人和属地投标人:投标阶段,需提供承诺函。承诺函内容为:技术商务评审合格后且授标前,提供近三年经审计的财务报表(成立日期晚于要求年份的,从成立年起计算)。投标人财务报表经招标人审核,投标人如存在进入清算程序、被宣告破产或其他丧失履约能力的情形,招标人有权取消其中标资格。 International Suppliers and Local Suppliers: TheBiddershallundertakeinthebid,oncepassed Commercial and Technical evaluation,beforeLOA issued, toprovide audited financial statements for the past three years(If the date of establishment is later than ****, it shall be counted from the year of establishment).The bidder’s financial reports should be evaluated by the Buyer. If finding the bidder is in the situation of bankrupt or unable to perform the contract,the Buyer shall be entitled to cancel its bidding qualification or shall not award contract. *.* 投标人必须提供近五年来在类似工程的实际应用业绩清单,同时用国际单位制标出主要参数,须提供有效证明材料(以提供有效合同复印件及发票复印件为准)。 The bidder must provide the list of practical application achievements in similar projects in the past five years, and mark the main parameters in the international system of units, and provide valid certification materials (subject to the copy of the valid contract and the copy of the invoice). *.*信誉要求(适用于中国厂家):Credit requirements(Applicable to Chinese Suppliers) 在国家企业信用信息公示系统(http://www.gsxt.gov.cn)、信用中国网站(www.creditchina.gov.cn)未被列入严重违法失信企业名单或失信被执行人名单。 The bidder has not been listed in the serious illegal and trust-breaking enterprises or trust-breaking enforcement list In the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity system (http://www.gsxt.gov.cn)and credit China website (www.creditchina.gov.cn). *.*其它要求(适用于中国厂家):Other requirements(Applicable to Chinese Suppliers) 投标人未被中国石油天然气集团有限公司/中国石油管道局工程有限公司列入黑名单、暂停投标资格或取消投标人资格或禁止准入。 The bidder has not been suspended /disqualified the bid qualification by CNPC. 采购文件的获取: 采购文件发售时间:****年**月*日**:**:**至****年**月**日**:**:**(**时间,下同)。 Time of receiving the tendering documents: AM *:** on * October,**** to PM**:** on **October,****. 采购采购文件获取:供应商登陆“投标人自助服务平台”(https://zh.cpplb.com.cn:****),登记信息并下载采购文件,具体操作步骤见《非招标系统使用手册(供应商)》。 Procurement Procurement Document Acquisition: Suppliers can log in to the "Supplier Self-Service Platform" (https://zh.cpplb.com.cn:****), register their information, and download the procurement documents. The specific operation steps are described in the "User Manual for Non-Tendering System (Supplier)". 项目单位联系人: 赵荣凡 项目单位联系方式: *********** 采购代理机构联系人: 杨璐 采购代理机构联系方式: 无 其他: 无


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