


中国联通(日本)运营有限公司蒙古代表处(以下简称中国联通)将就 “****年联通国际蒙古国代表处办公室装修采购招标公示”进行公开采购,具体信息如下: 一、 项目基本信息 (一) 项目名称: ****年联通国际蒙古国代表处办公室装修采购招标公示 (二) 项目实施内容:负责联通蒙古国代表处办公室提供装修**工程服务 *. 蒙古代表处**装修工程项目范围具体包括:装修前期准备工作;办公区、会议区、会客区家具采购、现场拼装、布置及装饰;地面装修墙面装修;以及办公桌椅、会议室桌椅、多功能打印机、咖啡机、Wifi网络、储物柜、沙发、多媒体设备等。 *. 装修期间需按甲方设计图纸、业主要求、顾问要求进行。 *. 施工期间遵守蒙古国法例法规。 *. 装修物料需使用至少**%或以上环保物料。 *. 其他详细要求见BQ。 (三) 资格条件: (*)供应商需为蒙古国合法注册登记的工程公司。 (*) 最近三年最少*个蒙古国本地门*类装修项目经验。 (*) 承诺中标后一个月内完成全部装修工程内容。 (*)承诺质量保修期为双方签署竣工验收合格单日起计一年 (四) 时间安排:请于**月**日**点前通过联通国际采购系统进行报名登记(https://etender.chinaunicomglobal.com:****/supp/index.html)。联通公司将发函邀请其参与投标。 (五) 招标人联系方式: 联系人:************** 邮箱:hks-*********** 联系电话:+*** **** ****。 二、 监督信息 为加强中国联通国际有限公司招投标管理,规范廉洁从业,对中国联通国际有限公司监察举报渠道公布如下: 举报邮箱:hq-*********** 邮寄地址:****尖沙咀**道**号港威大厦一期**楼 中国联通国际有限公司监督审计部 Tender for the procurement of office renovation for the Mongolian Representative Office of ChinaUnicom in **** China Unicom (Japan) Operations Corporation, Mongolia Representative Office (hereinafter referred to as China Unicom) will conduct a public procurement for "Tender Notice for Procurement of Office Renovation for Unicom International Mongolia Representative Office in ****" as follows: 一、 Project Basic Information (一) Project Title: Public Notice of Bidding for Procurement of Office Renovation for the Representative Office of Unicom International Mongolia in **** (二) Project content: Responsible for the provision ofrenovation and new construction services for theoffice of the representative office of China UnicomMongolia. *.The scope of the new renovation project of theRepresentative Office of Mongolia specificallyincludes: preparatory work for the renovation;procurement of furniture for the office area, Subscribe to DeepL Pro to edit this document. Visit www.DeepL.com/pro for more information. conference area and meeting area, on-site assembling, setting up and decorating; floor decoration and wall decoration; as well as office desks and chairs, conference room desks and chairs, multifunctional printers, coffee makers, Wifi network, storage cabinets, sofas and multimedia equipment. *.The renovation period needs to be carried outaccording to our design drawings, owner"srequirements and consultant"s requirements. *.Compliance with Mongolian laws and regulationsduring construction. *.Decoration materials should be at least **% ormore environmentally friendly materials. *.See BQ for other detailed requirements. (三) Eligibility conditions: (*)The supplier is required to be a legally registeredengineering company in Mongolia. (*)Minimum * years of experience in the last * years in localstore type renovation projects in Mongolia. (*)Commitment to complete all renovation works within onemonth after winning the bid. (*)Commitment to the quality warranty period of one year fromthe date of signing the completion and acceptance by both parties. (四) Schedule: Please register through CommuniLink"sInternational Procurement System (https://etender.chinaunicomglobal.com:****/supp/index.html) by October **th at **:** pm. Unicom will send a letter inviting them to participate in the bidding. (五) Bidder Contact: Contact: China Unicom (Hong Kong) Operations Limited E-mail: hks-*********** Contact: +*** **** ****. 二、 Supervisory information In order to strengthen the bidding management of China Unicom International Limited and to standardize the clean practice, the monitoring and reporting channels of China Unicom International Limited are announced as follows: Reporting Email: hq-*********** Mailing Address: **/F, Gateway House, Phase I, ** Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Supervision and Audit Department of China Unicom Global


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