


C-TPAT现场审计服务项目再次采购公告 C-TPAT现场审计服务项目再次采购公告 Reprocurement Announcement for C-TPAT On-site Audit Service Project 民航快递有限责任公司现就C-TPAT现场审计服务项目进行公开寻源,诚邀符合条件的供应商报名参加。 China Air Express Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Air Express") is currently conducting a public procurement for the C-TPAT On-site Audit Service Project and cordially invites eligible suppliers to register and participate. 一、项目名称:C-TPAT现场审计服务项目 I. Project Name: C-TPAT On-site Audit Service Project 二、项目编号:GMD-****-FW-**** II. Project Number: GMD-****-FW-**** 三、资金来源:企业自筹 III. Source of Funds: Self-financed by Enterprises. 四、项目地点:美国 IV. Project Location: the United States 五、采购内容与需求: 民航快递有限责任公司的母公司国货航于****年*月取得了美国海关颁布的C-TPAT资质。根据美国海关有关要求,其将在企业首次获得C-TPAT资质一年内进行现场审计。 现拟聘请专业第三方协助准备C-TPAT审计的材料、提供审计现场人员支持、协助北美当地落实审计要求、为企业提供审计咨询服务和管理软件、系统进行审计相关的培训,以确保国货航、民航快递顺利持有C-TPAT资质。 V. Procurement Content and Requirements: The parent company of China Air Express, Air China Cargo, obtained the C-TPAT qualification issued by the U.S. Customs in May ****.According to the requirements of the U.S. Customs, on-site audits will be conducted within one year of the company’s initial C-TPAT qualification. We intend to hire a professional third-party to assist in preparing materials for C-TPAT audits, provide on-site personnel support for audits, assist in implementing audit requirements in North America, and offer audit consulting services along with management software and systems for training related to audits, ensuring that Air China Cargo and China Air Express maintain their C-TPAT qualifications. 六、最高限价:无 VI. Maximum Price Limit: None 七、供应商资格要求: (一)具有独立承担民事责任能力的,在美利坚合众国境内或中华人民**国境内注册的法人或其他组织,具备合法有效的营业执照。 (二)如供应商为中国境内企业,近三年,在国家企业信用信息公示系统http://www.gsxt.gov.cn/index.htm企业信用信息报告中未被纳入严重违法失信企业名单(黑名单),中国政府采购网http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/search/cr/中未被纳入政府采购严重违法失信行为信息记录。 (三)非中航集团黑名单供应商,非中航集团禁止交易企业名单内的供应商。 (四)单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、均股、参股、管理关系的不同单位,不得同时投标参加本项目。 (五)本项目不接受联合体投标,不允许分包、不允许转包。 (六)供应商具有直接承接本项目的人员及专业能力。 VII. Supplier Qualification Requirements (*) A legal entity or other organization registered within the territory of the United States of America or the People’s Republic of China, having the capacity to independently assume civil liability, and possessing a valid business license. (*) If the supplier is a domestic enterprise in China, within the past three years, it must not have been included in the list of seriously illegal and untrustworthy enterprises (blacklist) in the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System http://www.gsxt.gov.cn/index.htm or recorded for serious illegal and untrustworthy behavior in government procurement on the China Government Procurement Network http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/search/cr/. (*) Suppliers that are not on the list of prohibited suppliers by Air Chian Group, and not on the list of enterprises prohibited from trading by Air Chian Group. (*) The same person in charge of the unit or different units with controlling, equal ownership, equity participation, or management relationships are prohibited from bidding for or participating in this project simultaneously. (*) Bidding as a consortium is not permitted for this project, and subcontracting is not allowed after the bid has been awarded. (*) The supplier must have personnel and professional capabilities to directly undertake this project. 八、报名 采购公告发布时间为****年**月*日**时**分至****年**月**日**时**分(**时间,下同),请有意愿参加本项目的供应商,务必在公告截止时间前将报名材料发送至采购人联系邮箱。 报名材料包括: *.供应商简介(包含联系人、联系电话及邮箱); *.供应商近三年内同类案例介绍*个; *.供应商行业资质; *.其他供应商认为有必要提交的资料。 VIII. Registration The procurement announcement will be published from *::** PM on October *, ****, to *:** PM on October **, **** (Beijing time, same hereinafter). Interested suppliers must submit their registration materials to the purchaser's contact email before the announcement deadline. The registration materials shall include: *. Supplier profile (including contact person, contact phone number, and email address); *. A description of one similar case from the supplier within the last three years; *. Supplier’s industry qualifications; *. Other materials that the supplier considers necessary to submit. 九、采购文件的获取 本采购文件为免费获取。凡通过上述报名的供应商,采购人将对报名供应商进行审核后发出采购文件。 IX. Acquisition of Procurement Documents This procurement document is available free of charge. Suppliers who register as outlined above will be reviewed by the purchaser before the procurement documents are issued. 十、采购人联系方式 联系人:牛先生(业务咨询)、刘女士(采购流程) 联系人电话:***-********、********-**** 联系人邮箱:*********** X. Contact Information of the Purchaser Contact persons: Mr. Niu (Business Consultation), Ms. Liu (Procurement Process) Contact Phone Numbers: ***-********, ********-**** Contact Email: *********** 十一、发布媒介 我公司采购项目公告指定的网络发布渠道为国航官网(www.airchina.com.cn)、民航快递官网(www.cae.com.cn)和招标网()。除上述外,在其它任何媒介上转载的以我公司为采购主体的项目公告均为非法转载,我公司不承担责任。 XI. Release Media The designated online platforms for announcements regarding our company’s procurement projects are the official website of Air China (www.airchina.com.cn), the official website of China Air Express (www.cae.com.cn), and the China Procurement and Tendering Network ().Aside from the above, any project announcements featuring our company as the purchasing entity that are reproduced on any other media are considered unauthorized reproductions, and our company will not bear any responsibility. 发布时间:****/**/* **:**:**


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