


项目概况 Overview ****年乡村***义村村庄设计采购项目的潜在供应商应在***政府采购网获取采购文件,并于****年**月**日 **:**(**时间)前提交响应文件。 Potential Suppliers forDesign of Renyi Village for Rural Revitalization in ****should obtain the procurement documents from (Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Network) and submit response documents before**th ** **** at **.**am(Beijing time). 一、项目基本情况 *. Basic Information 项目编号:*********************-******** Project No.:*********************-******** 项目名称:****年乡村***义村村庄设计 Project Name:Design of Renyi Village for Rural Revitalization in **** 预算编号:****-W********* Budget No.:****-W********* 采购方式:竞争性磋商 Procurement method : competitive consultation 预算金额(元):*******元(国库资金:*元;自筹资金:*******元) Budget Amount(Yuan):*******(National Treasury Funds: * Yuan; Self-raised Funds: ******* Yuan) 最高限价(元):包*-*******.**元 Maximum Price(Yuan):Package No.* for *******.** Yuan, 采购需求: Procurement Requirements: 包名称:****年乡村***义村村庄设计 Package Name:Design of Renyi Village for Rural Revitalization in **** 数量:* Quantity:* 预算金额(元):*******.** Budget Amount(Yuan):*******.** 简要规则描述:依据《***村庄设计导则(****)*《****新场镇总体规划暨土地利用总体规划(****-****)》(沪府【****】**号)、《*******新场镇郊野单元(村庄)规划(****-****年)》、最新确定的三区三线数据等编制村庄设计,编制过程中充分听取村民的意见,指导乡村建设,注重地域特色的传承和展示,改善农民居住环境,塑造高品质的多村风貌,助力多村可持续发展。 Brief Specification Description:According to the "Shanghai Village Design Guidelines (****) *" Pudong New Area Xinchang Town Overall Plan and Land Use Overall Plan (****-****) "(Hu Fu [****] No. **)," Shanghai Pudong New Area Xinchang Town Suburban Unit (Village) Plan (****-****) ", the latest determined data of the three districts and three lines, etc., the village design is prepared. During the preparation process, the opinions of villagers are fully listened to, rural construction is guided, the inheritance and display of regional characteristics are emphasized, the living environment of farmers is improved, a high-quality multi village style is shaped, and the sustainable development of multi villages is supported. 合同履约期限:服务期限*个月,具体以合同签订日期为准。 The Contract Period:The service period is * months, subject to the date of contract signing. 本项目(否)接受联合体投标。 Joint Bids: (NO)Available. 二、申请人的资格要求 *. Qualification Requirements for Suppliers (a)满足《中华人民**国政府采购法》第二十二条规定; (a)Meet the provisions of Article ** of the "Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China"; (b)落实政府采购政策需满足的资格要求:*.满足《中华人民**国政府采购法》第二十二条规定; *.落实政府采购政策需满足的资格要求: (*)落实预留份额措施,提高中小企业在政府采购中的份额,扶持中小企业政策:本项目(□是■不是)专门面向中小企业采购,评审时小微企业报价给予**% 的价格折扣优惠。 (*)扶持残疾人福利性单位,并将其视同小微型企业; (b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies:*. Meet the provisions of Article ** of the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China; *. Qualification requirements for implementing government procurement policies: (*) Implement reserved quota measures to increase the share of small and medium-sized enterprises in government procurement and support small and medium-sized enterprise policies: This project ( □Yes ■ No) is specifically aimed at purchasing from small and medium-sized enterprises, and during the evaluation, small and micro enterprises will be given a **% price discount on their quotations. (*) Support welfare units for people with disabilities and treat them as small and micro enterprises; (c)本项目的特定资格要求:(*)具有城乡规划行政主管部门颁发的城乡规划编制资质证书乙级及其以上; (*) 未 被 “ 信 用 中 国 ” ( www.creditchina.gov.cn ) 、 中 国 政 府 采 购 网 (www.ccgp.gov.cn)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法失信主体、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单; (*)项目负责人为高级工程师及注册城乡规划师。 (*)须系我国境内依法设立的法人或非法人组织; (*)单位负责人为同一人或者存在直接控股、管理关系的不同供应商,不得参加同一合同下的政府采购活动。 (*)本次招标不接受联合投标。 (c)Specific qualification requirements for this program:(*) Possess a Grade B or higher qualification certificate for urban and rural planning compilation issued by the competent administrative department of urban and rural planning; (*) Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, major tax illegal dishonest entities, and serious government procurement illegal dishonest behavior records by "Credit China" (www.creditchina. gov.cn) and China Government Procurement Network (www.ccgp. gov.cn); (*) The project leader is a senior engineer and a registered urban and rural planner. (*) It must be a legal entity or an unincorporated organization established within the territory of China in accordance with the law; (*) The same person in charge of the unit or different suppliers with direct controlling or management relationships shall not participate in government procurement activities under the same contract. (*) This tender does not accept joint bidding. (i)符合《中华人民**国政府采购法》第二十二条的规定; (i)Comply with the provisions of Article ** of the"Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China"; (ii)未被“信用中国”(www.creditchina.gov.cn)、中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.gov.cn)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单; (ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (www.creditchina.gov.cn), China Government Procurement Network (www.ccgp.gov.cn); 三、获取采购文件 *. Acquisition of Procurement Documents 时间:****年**月**日至****年**月**日,每天上午**:**:**-**:**:**,下午**:**:**-**:**:**(**时间,法定节假日除外) Time: Tender documents may be obtained between**:**:**am to **:**:**pmfrom**th ** ****until**th ** ****.(Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays) 地点:***政府采购网 Place:Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Network 方式:网上获取 To Obtain:Obtain online 售价(元):* Price of Tender Documents(Yuan):* 四、响应文件提交 *. Submission of Response Documents 截止时间:****年**月**日 **:**(**时间) Deadline date submission:**th ** **** at **.**am(Beijing Time) 地点:******斜土东路***号*号楼*楼 Place:*nd Floor, Building *, No. *** Xietu East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai (see the signage for specific meeting rooms) 五、响应文件开启 *. Opening of Response Documents 开启时间:****年**月**日 **:**(**时间) Time of Response Documents Opening:**th ** **** at **.**am(Beijing Time) 地点:******斜土东路***号*号楼*楼 Place:*nd Floor, Building *, No. *** Xietu East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai (see the signage for specific meeting rooms) 六、公告期限 *. Notice Period 自本公告发布之日起*个工作日。 * business days from the date of publication of this notice. 七、其他补充事宜 *. Other Supplementary Matters / / / 八、凡对本次招标提出询问,请按以下方式联系 *. Contact Details (a)采购人信息 (a)Purchasers 名 称:*******新场镇人民政府 Name:Shanghai Ningxin Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd 地 址:****新场镇牌楼东路***号 Address:*nd Floor, Building *, No. *** Xietu East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 联系方式:***-******** Contact Information:***-******** (b)采购代理机构信息 (b)Procurement Agency 名 称:************** Name:Shanghai Ningxin Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd 地 址:******斜土东路***号*号楼*楼 Address:*nd Floor, Building *, No. *** Xietu East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 联系方式:*********** Contact Information:*********** (c)项目联系方式 (c)Project Contact 项目联系人*****:刘静 Contact:/ 电 话:*********** Tel:*********** 本公告信息如有中、英文不一致,以中文为准。 The English translation of this document is for reference only, and the Chinese version shall be authentic and prevail in case of dispute.


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