Invitation to Bid To All Bidders We, China petroleum pipeline material and equipment CO.,LTD., as the authorized tendering agent by Tenderee, hereby invite your company, which is already on the Approved Vendor List of BGC, to submit a bid for Mechanical bulk materials required for BGC **" Export Pipeline and Two **"Spurline Pipelines and Associated Works. ITB No.: ITC-PB-BGC-PC-****-**** Project Name: Tendering for Mechanical bulk materials (EPC of BGC **" Export Pipeline and Two **"Spurline Pipelines and Associated Works) *. Tendering Conditions The project has implemented relevant procedures according to rules, regulations, and laws .as well as the capital has been confirmed. Now we hereby invite your esteemed company to participate in this bid. *. Project Overview and Tendering Scope *.*. Project overview: Project Name:EPC of BGC **" Export Pipeline and Two **"Spurline Pipelines and Associated Works Owner: Basra Gas Company (BGC) **-inch buried pipeline (WT = **.** *mm\**.**mm, API *L Gr. X** PSL * Sour) accompanied by two **-core optical cables, with a length of ** kilometers, a design pressure of ** barg, crossing the railway and the Basra Canal respectively, as well as asphalt roads and existing facility pipelines. It is expected that there will be * locations for pipe jacking crossings. **-inch CS-* to Tie-in buried pipeline branch line (API *L Gr. X** PSL * Sour, *.**mm\*.**mm, design pressure ** barg) accompanied by two **-core optical cables, approximately *.** kilometers long. **-inch CS-* to Tie-in buried pipeline branch line (API *L Gr. X** PSL * Sour, *.**mm\*.**mm, design pressure ** barg) accompanied by two **-core optical cables, approximately *.** kilometers long. Three hot tapping operations for the **-inch to **-inch size change. Two valve chambers and two **-inch permanent pigging launchers and receivers. One horizontal directional drilling (HDD) with a length of approximately *,***.* meters (width of the MOD is *** meters). Internal modification of the existing solid-liquid separator in the NR NGL station and tie-in work during the shutdown period. Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) system, solar power system for valve chambers, and leakage detection system. *.*. Scope: For the materials to be procured by the present Tendering, please refer to the table below. No. Discription Specification Unit Total Remark * Pipeline Elbow **'', ASTM A***-WPB SCH **,R=*.*D, ** degree Elbow Nos. ** **'' ASTM A***-WPB SCH **, R=*.*D, ** degree Elbow Nos. * * Pipe Fitting **°Elbow **" ASTM A***-WPL*W,wall thickness refer to specification set * Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set * Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set ** Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set * Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set * Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set * Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set ** Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set * Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set ** Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A***-WPB Sch*** set ** Piping Class:***** */*" ASTM A***-WPB Sch*** set ** Piping Class:***** **°Elbow **" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set * Piping Class:***** Tee **" ASTM A***-WPL*W,wall thickness refer to specification set * Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set * Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set * Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set * Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set ** Piping Class:***** Reduce Tee **"×**" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set * Piping Class:***** **"×*" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set * Piping Class:***** *"×*" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set * Piping Class:***** *"×*" ASTM A***-WPB Sch**× Sch** set * Piping Class:***** *"×*" ASTM A***-WPB Sch**×Sch*** set * Piping Class:***** Reduce **"×**" ASTM A***-WPL*W,wall thickness refer to specification set * Piping Class:***** *"×*" ASTM A***-WPB Sch** set * Piping Class:***** *"×*" ASTM A***-WPB Sch**× Sch** set * Piping Class:***** Spectacle blind **" ASTM A***-**/**/** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A***-**/**/** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A***-**/**/** CL*** set ** Piping Class:***** Spade **" ASTM A***-**/**/** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A***-** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A***-** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A***-/** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** Spacer **" ASTM A***-**/**/** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A***-** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A***-** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A***-/** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** * Flange **" ASTM A***-LF* cl * CL*** set ** Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A***-LF* cl * CL*** set * Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A*** CL*** set ** Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A*** CL*** set ** Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A*** CL*** set ** Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A*** CL*** set ** Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A*** CL*** set ** Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A*** CL*** set *** Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A*** CL*** set ** Piping Class:***** */*" ASTM A*** CL*** set ** Piping Class:***** * Gasket **" AISI ***, Graphite SS centring ring set ** Piping Class:***** **" AISI ***, Graphite SS centring ring set * Piping Class:***** **" AISI ***, Graphite CS centring-/SS inner ring set ** Piping Class:***** **" AISI ***, Graphite CS centring-/SS inner ring set ** Piping Class:***** **" AISI ***, Graphite CS centring-/SS inner ring set ** Piping Class:***** *" AISI ***, Graphite CS centring-/SS inner ring set ** Piping Class:***** *" AISI ***, Graphite CS centring-/SS inner ring set ** Piping Class:***** *" AISI ***, Graphite CS centring-/SS inner ring set *** Piping Class:***** *" AISI ***, Graphite CS centring-/SS inner ring set ** Piping Class:***** */*" AISI ***, Graphite CS centring-/SS inner ring set ** Piping Class:***** * STUD BOLT **" STUD BOLTS FULL LENGTH THREAD, ASTM A***-B*M/A***-*HM, S.BOLT/*HEAVY HEX.NUT, B*.*/B**.*.*, WITH Zn Ni COATED, SIZE * */*X *** mm. set **** Piping Class:***** **" STUD BOLTS FULL LENGTH THREAD, ASTM A***-B*M/A***-*HM, S.BOLT/*HEAVY HEX.NUT, B*.*/B**.*.*, WITH Zn Ni COATED, SIZE * */*X *** mm. set *** Piping Class:***** **" STUD BOLTS FULL LENGTH THREAD, ASTM A***-B*M/A***-*HM, S.BOLT/*HEAVY HEX.NUT, B*.*/B**.*.*, WITH Zn Ni COATED, SIZE * */*X *** mm. set **** Piping Class:***** **" STUD BOLTS FULL LENGTH THREAD, ASTM A***-B*M/A***-*HM, S.BOLT/*HEAVY HEX.NUT, B*.*/B**.*.*, WITH Zn Ni COATED, SIZE * */*X *** mm. set *** Piping Class:***** **" STUD BOLTS FULL LENGTH THREAD, ASTM A***-B*M/A***-*HM, S.BOLT/*HEAVY HEX.NUT, B*.*/B**.*.*, WITH Zn Ni COATED , SIZE */*X *** mm. set *** Piping Class:***** *" STUD BOLTS FULL LENGTH THREAD, ASTM A***-B*M/A***-*HM, S.BOLT/*HEAVY HEX.NUT, B*.*/B**.*.*, WITH Zn Ni COATED, SIZE */*X *** mm. set ** Piping Class:***** *" STUD BOLTS FULL LENGTH THREAD, ASTM A***-B*M/A***-*HM, S.BOLT/*HEAVY HEX.NUT, B*.*/B**.*.*, WITH Zn Ni COATED, SIZE */*X ** mm. set *** Piping Class:***** *" STUD BOLTS FULL LENGTH THREAD, ASTM A***-B*M/A***-*HM, S.BOLT/*HEAVY HEX.NUT, B*.*/B**.*.*, WITH Zn Ni COATED, SIZE */*X ** mm. set *** Piping Class:***** *" STUD BOLTS FULL LENGTH THREAD, ASTM A***-B*M/A***-*HM, S.BOLT/*HEAVY HEX.NUT, B*.*/B**.*.*, WITH Zn Ni COATED, SIZE */*X ** mm. set ** Piping Class:***** */*" STUD BOLTS FULL LENGTH THREAD, ASTM A***-B*M/A***-*HM, S.BOLT/*HEAVY HEX.NUT, B*.*/B**.*.*, WITH Zn Ni COATED, SIZE */*X ** mm. set ** Piping Class:***** * blind **" ASTM A***-LF* cl * CL*** set * Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A*** CL*** set ** Piping Class:***** **" ASTM A*** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A*** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A*** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A*** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A*** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A*** CL*** set ** Piping Class:***** *" ASTM A*** CL*** set * Piping Class:***** */*" ASTM A*** CL*** set ** Piping Class:***** Weldolet **"×*" CL**** ASTM A*** set ** Piping Class:***** **"×*" CL**** ASTM A*** set ** Piping Class:***** **"×*" CL**** ASTM A*** set ** Piping Class:***** **"×*" CL**** ASTM A*** set * Piping Class:***** **"×*" CL**** ASTM A*** set ** Piping Class:***** **"×*" CL**** ASTM A*** set * Piping Class:***** **"×*" CL**** ASTM A*** set * Piping Class:***** **"×*/*" CL**** ASTM A*** set * Piping Class:***** *"×*" CL**** ASTM A*** set * Piping Class:***** *"×*/*" CL**** ASTM A*** set * Piping Class:***** *"×*/*" CL**** ASTM A*** set * Piping Class:***** *"×*/*" CL**** ASTM A*** set * Piping Class:***** Detailed technical requirements refer to Attachment * Technical Documents. *. Requirements For Bidder (*) The bidders must have the status of an independent legal entity, and shall be professional manufacturing manufacturers or traders for the production and manufacturing of this project, and shall be fully responsible for the goods and services they provide. The scope of the selected manufacturers for all materials shall meet the requirements of the list of manufacturers provided by the project owner. (*) Bidders are required to provide a valid ISO **** Quality Management System Certification. In case an agent participates in the bidding, both the agent and the manufacturer shall provide valid ISO **** Quality Management System Certifications. (*) Applicable to bidders in China:The bidding suppliers should have a good financial condition (with the debt-to-asset ratio being less than ***%), and not be in a state of having their property taken over, being bankrupt, or in any other state of closure, suspension, merger or restructuring. The bidding suppliers are required to undertake that there are no situations such as entering the liquidation process, being declared bankrupt, or other circumstances that lead to the loss of performance capabilities (the bidding suppliers need to provide a commitment letter in their response documents stating that there are no such situations). The bidding suppliers must provide the financial report audited by an accounting firm or an auditing institution in **** (which must be signed and sealed by a certified public accountant). The content of the financial report should at least include: the balance sheet, the cash flow statement, and the income statement. Applicable to bidders inside and outside of China: If the bidding supplier wins the bid, the procurement requester has the right to review its complete financial report before the contract is signed. If it is found that the bidding supplier has the aforementioned conditions or risks, the procurement requester has the right to disqualify the winning bid. The bidding supplier is required to provide a letter of commitment in its response document, agreeing to the above terms. (*) Reputation requirements (applicable to bidders in China): Bidders shall not be listed in the list of seriously illegal and untrustworthy enterprises or the list of persons subject to enforcement for dishonesty on the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System (http://www.gsxt.gov.cn) and the Credit China website (www.creditchina.gov.cn). (*) Other requirements: Bidders shall not be included in the blacklist, have the bidding qualifications suspended or cancelled, or be prohibited from access by China National Petroleum Corporation / China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co., Ltd. *. Acquisition of Tendering Documents Time of receiving the tendering documents: AM *:** on **th March, **** to PM**:** on **th March, ****. (Abu Dhabi time, the same below). Those who intend to participate in the bidding,Please contact with Mr Liu Zijian to obtain the tendering documents. Contact person: Mr Liu Zijian Tel:**** *********** E-mail: *********** *. Submission of Bidding Documents Bidding documents shall be composed of two components, “Technical proposal” and “Commercial proposal” The Technical proposal shall be submitted to *********** before *:** AM on **th March, **** (Abu Dhabi Time). The Commercial proposal shall be submitted to *********** before *:** AM on **th March, **** (Abu Dhabi Time). The Commercial Proposal shall be encrypted. The encrypted password shall be sent to the email box separately: *********** The overdue delivery of the bid documents will be rejected, and the delivery time shall be subject to the time of designated email ID. *. Bid Opening Time: *:** AM on **th March, **** (Abu Dhabi Time); Place: **th Floor, Addax Office Tower, Al Reem Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Po Box ****** *. Confirmation on Invitation to Bid Upon receiving the Invitation to Bid, please confirm whether or not to participate in the present Tendering by email before PM **:** on **th March, ****. (Abu Dhabi Time). For the format of Confirmation Letter for Invitation to Bid, please refer to the appendix. Email address:*********** Tenderee: China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co., Ltd. Iraq Branch. Contact person:Mr Zhang Gangfeng Tel: +**-*********** Email: *********** Tendering Agent: China petroleum pipeline material and equipment CO.,LTD. Address: **th Floor, Addax Office Tower, Al Reem Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Po Box ******. Contact person: Mr Liu Zijian Tel:**** *********** E-mail: ***********
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