


利用德国促进贷款*****水环境治理项目第*.*包:柳东新区官塘污水处理厂二期工程-土建工程中标结果公告 项目名称:利用德国促进贷款*****水环境治理项目第*.*包:柳东新区官塘污水处理厂二期工程-土建工程 招标编号: ****-******** 选择方法:经评审合格的最低评标价法 业主名称:*****水务投资集团有限公司 招标代理:********** 一、中标人及合同授予情况: 中标人名称 中建五局土木工程有限公司 授标价 欧元*,***,***.**(包含税金:欧元***,***.**) 工期 ***个日历天 项目负责人 姓名 陈春 项目负责人 相关证书和编号 一级建造师注册证书(注册编号:湘 ****************) 高级工程师(证书编号:(****)********)                                                                        安全生产考核合格证书(B证)(编号:湘建安B (****) *******) 二、联系方式: 招标代理公司:********** 联系人:郭欣悦 地址:******东三环中路**号楼**F **** 电话:***-********-*** 邮箱:*********** 业主单位:*****水务投资集团有限公司 地址:*****东环路**号 联系人:刘庆峰 电话:****-******* 邮箱:*********** 本项目招标监督部门:***住房和城乡建设局柳东建设局 ********** 二〇二四年七月二日 Notice of Awardof Liuzhou Water Environmental Management Project Utilizing German Promotional Loan Lot *.*: Guantang WWTP Project Phase II-Civil Works Project Name:Liuzhou Water Environmental Management Project Utilizing German Promotional Loan Lot *.*: Guantang WWTP Project Phase II-Civil Works Bid No.: ****-******** Selection Method:Lowest Evaluated Bid Price Method Name of the Employer:Guangxi Liuzhou Water Affairs Investment Group Co., Ltd. Procurement Agent:CITIC International Tendering Co., Ltd. I.The Successful Bidder and Contract Award Information: Name of the Successful Bidder China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Civil Engineering Co., Ltd. Contract Award Price EUR *,***,***.** (including tax: EUR ***,***.**) Duration of Construction *** calendar days Name of the Project Manager Chen Chun Project manager Certificate and Certificate No. Grade I Qualification Certificate of Registered Constructor (Registration ID: Xiang****************) Senior Engineer(Certificate No.:(****) ********) Safety Production Assessment Certificate (Certificate B)(ID: XJA B (****) *******) II. Contact Information: Procurement Agent: CITIC International Tendering Co., Ltd. Contacts: MsGUO Xinyue Address: ****, **F , Building **, East Third Ring Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing,China Postcode: ****** Tel: ***-********-*** E-mail: *********** Employer: Guangxi Liuzhou Water Affairs Investment Group Co., Ltd. Address: No.**, Donghuan Road, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province, China Contacts: Mr. LIU Qingfeng Tel: ****-******* E-mail: *********** The Bidding Supervision Authority of this Project:Liuzhou Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau Liudong Construction Bureau CITIC International Tendering Co., Ltd. July*, ****


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