


巴库营业部导航服务成交结果公示 项目名称:巴库营业部导航服务 项目编号:CZ********** 采购人:中国南方航空股份有限公司巴库营业部 采购方式:白名单 评审时间:****-*-* 经评审委员会评审,推荐成交候选人如下: 成交候选供应商 成交项目 成交金额 Azerbaijan Airlines Closed Joint-Stock Company 巴库营业部导航服务 On providing of Air Navigation Servicesin the area of responsibility of Heydar Aliyev International Airport Rate of Charges for Air Navigation Services 关于在盖达尔·阿利耶夫国际机场责任区提供空中导航服务的收费标准 *.The charge for air navigation services in the terminal area is set in an amount of * (six) Euro per each ton of maximum take-off weight of aircraft. When calculating the rate of the charge for air navigation services in the terminal area any fractional part of mass unit (ton) is rounded to integer number to a whole number. *.责任区域的航空导航服务收费标准按飞机最大起飞重量每吨收取*(六)欧元。在计算导航服务收费标准时,重量单位(吨)的小数部分应四舍五入为整数。 *.Charges for air navigation services in terminal area are unified for all airports of the Republic ofAzerbaijan. *.阿塞拜疆**国所有机场的责任区域空中导航服务按统一标准收费。 *.For each take-off/landing operation performed from **.** to **.** local time, additional **% of the charge for air navigation service in terminal area is collected. *.当地时间**:**至**:**期间,在责任区域每次起飞/降落收取**%的航空导航服务费。 *.For each take-off/landing operation performed on public holidays, additional **% of the charge for air navigation service in terminal area is collected. *.当地国家法定节假日期间,在责任区域每次起飞/降落加收**%的航空导航服务费。 *.The en-route air navigation service charge (air navigation charge) is charged by IATA according to the tariffs of AIC A **/**** of AIP Azerbaijan. *.责任区域的航空导航服务收费根据国际航空运输协会AIC A **/阿塞拜疆****AIP运价收取。 该项目为框架合同,无固定总金额,供应商已对全部内容进行报价,按需结算,成交金额*******元人民币,拟签订合同期限*年。 特此公示。公示期*个工作 日(****年*月*日**时**分至****年*月*日**时**分止)。 采购人:中国南方航空股份有限公司巴库营业部 ****年*月*日


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